Brain scientist shocked to learn he’s a psychopath.JPG

Brain scientist shocked to learn he's a psychopath.JPG

image text translation

(1)James Fallon, neuroscientist
(2)James Fallon 1947-1
(3)a cranial neuroscientist
(4)Professor at LOUC Irvine Medical School
(5)a useless psychopath scientist
(6)He was a famous neuroscientist
(7)in stem cells
(8)He also looked for potential treatment for Parkinson’s disease
(9)a useful psychopath scientist
(10)a brain neuroscientist recognized for his ability
(11)a useless psychopath brain scientist
(12)Fallon’s got Alzheimer’s
(13)I was working on it
(14)If you have a brain picture of an Alzheimer’s patient
(15)a brain scientist with a job psychopath
(16)I also need a normal brain photograph to compare
(17)Normal brain photos belong to the family!
(18)Before that, he asked me to do some research
(19)dozens of
(20)Brain scans of psychopathic killers
(21)a psychopathic brain scientist
(22)The subject of the study is
(23)Psychopathic killers’ brain patterns
(24)a psychopathic scientist
(25)In the brains of psychopathic killers
(26)a useful job psychopath
(27)Determine which pattern a particular function is dropping
(28)a psychopathic brain scientist
(29)after submitting one’s thesis
(30)I was working on Alzheimer’s again
(31)If you have a family name
(32)You know this brain is normal
(33)for accurate research
(34)a brain photograph that is categorized by number
(35)(36)I’m looking at the brain pictures for Alzheimer’s
(37)a useless psychopath
(38)very typical
(39)Found the brain of a psychopath killer
(40)It’s a psychopath brain photograph. I thought it came in
(41)I mixed it
(42)Fallon recognized the owner of the brain
(43)It was his brain
(44)the brain of a psychopath
(45)a normal person’s brain
(46)(47)”I’ve never used violence before. What do you mean a nose pass?”
(48)an ex-convict
(49)Alan says it’s ridiculous and forgets
(50)a useless psychopath
(51)One day, we had a barbecue party at home
(53)the study of the family tree and lineage
(54)a genealogical lover
(55)a history book sent by a relative
(56)a psychopathic scientist
(57)a murderer whose ancestors were close relatives
(58)(59)another tyrant who slaughtered his ancestors
(60)the first in the United States
(61)Lizzie Borden, who axed her parents
(62)Useful Job Psychopath Brain Scientist INARDUSH
(63)the first generation of hundreds of Jews, etc
(65)Rpl in Job Psychopath Brain Scientist
(66)My brain is like a psychopath, and it even has everything
(67)This kind of family
(68)after much consideration
(69)Fallon, who started studying genetics
(70)MADA Gene Aggressive Happiness Regulates Brain Nerve Material
(72)an aggressive disposition
(73)Short MAOA gene = transcription gene
(74)(75)~※ There’s a transcriptional gene
(76)Saia! The nose pass is
(77)transcriptional gene
(78)It can affect aggression!
(79)Fallon with low empathy brain and aggressive genes
(80)But why am I
(81)I would have become a psychopathic criminal
(82)Fallon begins to ponder a psycho-criminal and a copycat
(83)one’s own
(84)A survey of 35 psychopathic criminals found that police
(85)domestic exchange
(86)More than 70 were victims of child abuse
(87)Usually, the memory of child abuse is after the age of three
(88)I might not remember before I was 3
(89)a psychopathic brain scientist
(90)He doesn’t remember
(91)a psychopathic criminal
(92)More than 90 people are presumed to be victims of child abuse
(93)a psychopathic neoscientist
(94)The only difference from Fallon is the home environment!
(95)what psychopathic criminals have in common
(96)① the sympathetic function of the brain
(97)High risk of death 유전 heredity
(98)③ childhood abuse
(99)a useless psychopath scientist
(100)To become a psychopath criminal
(101)Three requirements are required
(102)a growing environment
(103)Announcing my theory of legs
(104)James Fallon, I’m clear
(105)You have three conditions
(106)I’m not a psychopath!
(107)a three-legged theory
(108)It’s just one of many theories!
(109)Looking back, I’ve heard this a lot
(110)You psychopathic XII
(111)You’ve been saying that for a long time
(112)I’ve heard it from time to time
(113)I just said
(114)Maybe not
(115)- The atrocities introduced twice as well
(116)Interested in explosives as an adolescent
(117)Playing with fire with friends
(118)agitated parents
(119)I played a lot of pranks with my friends
(120)You think you’re very adaptable and humorous
(121)(122)Like I said, psychopath
(123)I’m sure you knew
(124)Children with psychopathic tendencies
(125)You can see their tendencies My parents
(126)My first parents
(127)It’s hard to tellOutside
(128)Fallon looking back on his childhood
(130)My father was with me at a fishing racetrack and everywhere
(131)to know about sewing, etc
(132)My father and uncle are pharmacists
(133)I got Fallon to help me deliver the medicine
(134)Visits to nursing homes for the disabled, etc
(135)You know that you’re not good at empathizing
(136)When I saw a disabled person, I felt sad when I saw a disabled person
(137)Put it on
(138)Thanks to my father’s experience
(139)Record empathy, Fallon
(140)My parents knew me
(141)Parents who worked hard to develop their son’s empathy
(142)The school teacher also participated in various social activities
(143)The environment is great!
(144)all the home and school
(145)in a warm nurturing environment
(146)I grew up positively, encouraged by myself
(147)I’m not good at empathizing
(148)You can learn empathy!
(149)two kinds of empathy
(150)Cognitive empathy and emotional empathy
(151)emotional empathy
(152)feeling other people’s feelings
(153)② cognitive empathy
(154)Understand how others feel and why
(155)⑦ I don’t feel the cognitive empathy process together!
(156)by nature
(157)Fallon with low emotional empathy –
(158)A girl died, and she went next to her parents who were biting her
(159)I love your dress
(160)I know it’s a sad situation
(161)hard to relate to
(162)I’m not going to my friends’ funerals!
(163)You can pay for it
(164)What does it mean that I’m going
(165)(166)I’m sad. XI
(167)You have to know that you’re going to do “Seul” and do “Ofer.”
(168)I recognize and understand that it’s a sad situation!
(169)It’s a empathy that you know from learning
(170)You can learn empathy!
(171)I’m a natural psychopath
(172)You’re a lucky psychopath.”
(173)an antisocial psychopath
(174)of human nature
(175)Nature vs environment
(176)Fallon believed in genetic determinism
(177)Useful Psychopaths Brain science
(178)We live as we were born
(179)Natural DNA determines 80
(180)It’s 50 in nature, 50 in parenting
(181)other scientists
(182)The importance of a nurturing environment
(183)It’s life-balanced
(184)5 years ago
(185)I came to believe what I didn’t believe
(186)a psychopathic brain scientist
(187)”The terrible card I got when I was born
(188)You can overcome it with the right parenting
(189)I am by no means an angel
(190)But in a much worse way
(191)It could have been great

Shocked to learn that he has a psychopathic brain and is genetically psychopathic

But when I analyzed why I didn’t become an antisocial criminal, it was because I had a good parenting environment

Originally, it was believed that DNA determined most of life, but it was an opportunity to believe that the environment was also important

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