The whole story of Ilsan middle school girl’s white bone body

The whole story of Ilsan middle school girl's white bone body

image text translation

(1)Lightning bullets in the guest house
(2)I tried to kill myself, but I failed
(3)No. 2 Lightning bullets in the car near the lake
(4)I drove to the cliff
(5)I failed because I put on my seat belt habitually
(6)4 Husband tried to kill himself by hitting his wife’s head with a stone and his head, but he woke up in a few hours and failed
(7)This time, I’m going to freeze to death in sub-zero weather
(8)I tried to kill myself with a verb after taking off all my clothes, but I fainted and woke up again, so I only got frostbite and failed
(9)I’ve tried to kill myself five times, but I’m still alive
(10)I don’t know if they’ve been hit with reality
(11)I gave up my initial intention to kill myself in debt
(12)in seclusion, avoiding people
(13)We worked at a farm to provide food and shelter
(14)starting to live hard
(15)You and your wife are gonna work together
(16)I guess he was trustworthy
(17)There were a lot of places where they let me work
(18)I get paid pretty well, too
(19)I’m living well working in an orchard
(20)One day, the police came and said
(21)I arrested them both
(22)They’ve been in prison for more than a decade now
(23)I’ll be out of prison next year
(24)It’s not about debt
(25)a murder charge
(26)When they attempted suicide at the first private house
(27)I was with my two daughters who were 13 and 10 years old
(28)He’s in debt. He’s trying to kill himself with his family
(29)I came back from a trip by car and came back to the guest house
(30)They fell asleep, so I lit a bolt of lightning
(31)The youngest daughter woke up to go to the bathroom and spilled lightning bomb, so she failed
(32)Even when I was in a car near Lake Two
(33)I had a lightning bolt, but my daughters woke up and failed
(34)The third suicide attempt to fall down a cliff
(35)The girls in the back seat were thrown out and killed instantly
(36)He was found in the remains long after that
(37)When the police investigation started
(38)This is Ilsan middle school girl’s white bones
(39)I wanted to live long ago, and I wanted to work on a farm or anything
(40)If you and your wife tried to live together
(41)By now, my daughters are 23 and 20 years old
(42)I thought that we would have lived happily ever after graduating from college
(43)After multiple suicide attempts, you decided to live too late
(44)Reminds me of the ending scene of the movie “The Mist”
(45)Film critic Lee Dongjin left this comment
(46)Even after 10 years, the ending of this movie
(47)look like it’s going up
(48)This story of Margot Grisch’s rain is also dramatic
(49)It’s going to be remembered for a long time


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