When a person with dark skin goes to Northern Europe

When a person with dark skin goes to Northern Europe

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When a person with dark skin goes to Northern Europe

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(1)the color of the human body
(2)practice and utilization
(3)Professor Oh Sang-woo, Department of Family Medicine, Dongguk University Ilsan Hospital
(4)There’s less sunlight in Northern Europe I couldn’t get vitamin DThose people get sick and die quickly

When a person with dark skin goes to Northern Europe

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(1)Easy Science
(2)the color of the human body
(3)Professor Oh Sang-woo, Department of Family Medicine, Dongguk University Ilsan Hospital
(4)People who are used to living in the area now have white skin
(5)It’s good for light transmission, so it’s

When a person with dark skin goes to Northern Europe

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(1)Black skin cancer rates are four in white people
(2)The old saying goes, “In the spring sun, you send out your daughter-in-law, and in the autumn sun, you send out your daughter.”
(3)This is because the face becomes dark and wrinkles appear in the spring sun The knowledge that my mother-in-law had with her long experience was surprisingly scientific, so in fact, ultraviolet rays in spring are twice as strong as autumn, and now everyone knows that ultraviolet rays are the biggest enemy of the skin, so people are very interested in skin health these days

When a person with dark skin goes to Northern Europe

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(1)The theory that skin color is the product of the sun’s adaptation to ultraviolet rays is also convincing 200,000 years
(2)The ancestors of all of us who lived near the equator in Africa were black skin, which helps us sweat faster, lowers our body temperature, and prevents harmful UV rays
(3)White people are 10 times more likely to develop skin cancer than black people when they are effective and actually exposed to the same amount of sunlight
(4)But my skin is dark, so if my body takes in too little ultraviolet rays, it’s sunshine
(5)Vitamin’ In the sun, vitamin D, which leads to production, is lacking in the body a black man
(6)This is why there is a higher risk of rickets and rheumatoid arthritis due to lack of vitamin D compared to whites. “American Journal of Clinical Nutrition” and December 2004

If a person with dark skin goes to a neighborhood with less sunlight

Lack of vitamin D can weaken bones and cause rickets

On the contrary, people with fair skin get skin cancer and black disease when they go to sunny areas

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