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Seoul National University professor shot at postpartum care center.jpg


Seoul National University professor shot at postpartum care center.jpg

image text translation

(1)Multi-child delivery authority postpartum care center is essential…an ill-feel
(2)Reporter Kim Tae-won input 2023661847
(3)A hero who achieved it!
(4)Jeon Jong-kwan, a professor at Seoul National University, is taking a commemorative photo with Oh Se-hoon, Seoul Mayor, at the Seoul Metropolitan Government meeting on the 5th Photo provided = Seoul Metropolitan Government
(5)the Seoul economy
(6)Pregnant women should be active as soon as they have children “The sooner you return to your daily life, the faster you recover. You have to move like this to reduce the frequency of thrombosis.”
(7)Jeon Jong-kwan, a professor at Seoul National University Hospital, the nation’s highest authority on infertility and multi-fetal delivery, pointed out that postpartum care centers threaten the health of mothers at a meeting with Seoul Mayor Oh Se-hoon Thrombosis is a disease in which blood in the body hardens easily, and pregnant women are at risk of thrombosis even after publication


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