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image text translation

(1)Professor of Pharmacy at Chungbuk National University, “Dilution of contaminated water in Japan”
(2)”I’m going to drink it. Don’t scare me anymore”
(3)Moon Ji-yeon Reporter Input 202367 2121 Revised 202367 2205
(4)Professor Park Il-young revealed his real name and e-mail
(5)First head-on argument as a domestic expert


image text translation

(1)Professor Park Il-young of Chungbuk National University said, “In a mask steamer, scissors.”
(2)Cotton Reusable”
(3)20200312 2104 Input
(4)Reporter Kim Ki-beom
(5)”Separate it in 100 degrees water for 20 minutes”
(6)Reusing a disposable mask as a way to steam it
(7)It has been argued that is possible


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