A man who has lived his whole life with his legs stiff at right angles

A man who has lived his whole life with his legs stiff at right angles

image text translation

(1)For a long time
(2)I worked with him
(3)Whenever I had a hard time
(4)It reminds me of that
(5)He’s a great guy who works well and has a good personality
(6)I haven’t heard anything from you
(7)missing for more than a decade
(8)Report that you’re looking for a colleague
(9)at the end of one’s interrogation
(10)The house of the main character that I found with difficulty
(11)to have one’s legs bent at a right angle
(12)Because of the broken leg
(13)Even sitting down looks uncomfortable
(14)My co-worker has heard a lot from me
(15)They said they were curious
(16)I’m here after a long visit
(18)What about the legs
(19)I’ll be a translator
(20)two legs that don’t curl up
(21)That’s it
(22)It’s all spread out
(23)Even sitting and standing
(24)To JISUNG who is struggling
(25)walking in the house
(26)a few steps too many steps
(27)Even if I try to wash my hair once
(28)from the hip to the knees
(29)a stiffened body
(30)It’s an inconvenience that’s repeated every day
(31)I’m used to Mr. Score
(32)I can’t bend my back
(33)It’s only this much
(34)Everything is many times bigger than others
(35)It takes more time
(36)From the bathroom to the room
(37)It’s not easy to get there
(38)Why are you so skinny

A man who has lived his whole life with his legs stiff at right angles

image text translation

(1)Please eat well
(2)a man walking at right angles to the number of bookstores
(3)I can’t even eat it well
(4)for several years
(5)The score is slimmer
(6)Every time I look in the mirror
(7)What do you think
(8)Seo Jung-soo, a man who walks at right angles
(9)It’s changed a lot
(10)Every time I see myself
(11)All I can think of is pathetic
(12)What I’ve lived so far
(13)You lived in vain
(14)You didn’t live in vain
(15)My co-workers also worked hard
(16)And they want to find it
(17)But I’m getting weak
(18)It’s hard to commute because of the sudden drop in stamina
(19)Score who quit his job 10 years ago
(20)In the meantime, JOOSUK’s situation is
(21)It got worse
(22)46 years ago
(23)When I was in elementary school
(24)If you run, it’s all mine
(25)I won first place
(26)And then, one day.
(27)I suddenly have a fever
(28)If I had gone to the hospital
(29)A man walking at right angles to the number of bookstores
(30)I don’t think there’s anything wrong
(31)For men
(32)And it’s a countryside
(33)Walk at right angles to the number of bookstores
(34)Hak didn’t develop back then
(35)All the treatments are late
(36)I tried everything, but it didn’t work
(37)My body became more stiff
(38)a bookshop doctor
(39)Bookstore number tuberculosis is a lot of people long agoIt’s a disease that causes high-pitched arthritis
(40)He’s suffering from tuberculosis and hyperarthritis
(41)The bone and pelvis are all over the femur
(42)It’s a perfect match

A man who has lived his whole life with his legs stiff at right angles

image text translation

(1)It’s very difficult to correct this posture at the moment
(2)I go to the hospital regularly
(3)It’s been almost 40 years
(4)an incurable situation
(5)just day by day
(6)be on painkillers
(7)I don’t even want to go anywhere close
(8)It’s hard work, Mr. Score
(10)Electric wheelchairs are the only means of transportation
(11)But even if you have a wheelchair
(12)To enter the store
(13)have no choice but to raise one’s body
(14)I had a hard time going in
(15)The item I chose is
(16)Two bags of ramen
(17)How much is it.
(18)Take the coin out of your pocket
(19)Mr. Scores who finished calculating quickly
(20)I’m going to buy a ramen
(21)a deep breath
(22)Co-prosperity Utilization Regulations
(23)It’s hard
(24)I’m going to try to live in
(25)have been repeating for more than 40 years
(26)It’s already lunch time
(27)Instead of a high gas stove
(28)Mr. Score says portable burner is convenient
(29)This is my first meal of the day
(30)But what’s going on
(31)I don’t eat noodles but just drink the soup
(32)a man walking at right angles to the number of bookstores
(33)I can’t open my mouth
(34)Even if I try to open my mouth, this is the limit
(35)The man who walks at right angles to the number of bookstores
(36)I’ve had two surgeries here
(37)Seo Jung-soo, a man who walks at right angles
(38)I failed everything
(39)But rather than a sick body
(40)What makes it harder is
(41)irreversible time
(42)I got married when I was young

A man who has lived his whole life with his legs stiff at right angles

image text translation

(1)She’s got a daughter
(2)JOOSU, who had a happy family
(3)But now there’s no one
(4)Lonesome is how to do it
(5)Can you describe it in words
(7)It’s just beyond description.
(8)I quit my job 10 years ago
(9)She broke up with her family
(10)But when I’m having a hard time
(11)JUMIN’s treasure that he’s taking out
(12)What is this for
(13)I’m carving rings
(14)a man walking at right angles to the number of bookstores
(15)I’m not second to none
(16)I met my teacher well
(17)He took care of himself very cleanly
(18)It’s clean now
(19)Seo Jung-soo, a man who walks at right angles
(20)I have to think of this as my body
(21)It’s about thinking like a body
(22)You have to keep it
(23)once a goldsmith
(24)Score’s work
(25)Who do you miss the most right now
(26)We used to work together
(27)The people who helped me
(28)that evening
(29)I got a call from the production team
(30)old colleagues who came to visit
(31)Finally, it’s been 10 years since I met my teacher
(32)What happened to me
(33)I know
(34)I worked really hard to do well, too
(35)I said I’d be alone
(36)That’s what he thought
(37)Bookstore cashier colleague Taesik
(38)I couldn’t do it
(39)I was surprised
(40)It’s empty. No one lives inside
(41)It’s like a house
(42)You look more emaciated than 10 years ago
(43)pitiful colleagues

A man who has lived his whole life with his legs stiff at right angles

image text translation

(1)convey one’s feelings at least this way
(2)How do you feel to see your old colleagues and teachers
(3)a man walking at right angles to the number of bookstores
(4)It reminds me of the past
(5)When we worked together when it was cold
(6)That comes to mind the most
(7)We had a hard time together, and my teacher took care of me a lot
(8)In the room that night
(9)The conversation continued until late at night
(10)from early in the morning
(11)Mr. Score came to the barber shop
(12)in a neat manner
(13)There’s a place to go
(14)It’s more lively
(15)a neat appearance
(16)The place that JOOSEOMGYU
(17)the place where I worked at
(18)They say it’s the same as 10 years ago
(19)It reminds me of the past and I have friends
(20)A man walking at right angles to the number of bookstores
(21)I’m reminded of the past
(22)at the recommendation of one’s colleagues
(23)It’s been 10 years since I made a ring
(24)Will he still have his old skills
(25)taking advantage of old memories
(26)The score that makes the ring
(27)I made it for an hour
(28)The gold ring made by JOOSUK
(29)I don’t like it
(30)I think I can do better
(31)I’ll do well in a month or so
(32)Start fresh today
(33)overcoming the pain of the past
(34)a restarting starting line
(35)Every step I take in challenges
(36)I’ll cheer for you to be full of hope!


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