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fresh cesium rockfish sashimi


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(1)Subscribing to No Cut News
(2)The undersea tunnel for the discharge of contaminated water in Japan is virtually completed
(3)Input 20230606 715 AM Article ID
(4)Reporter Jang Sung-joo
(5)One is 凸
(6)After the excavation of the undersea tunnel is completed, the seawater filling work begins
(7)Cesium detected 180 times the standard in rockfish in front of TEPCO’s nuclear power plant

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(1)Japan has virtually completed an undersea tunnel to release radioactive contaminated water from the Fukushima nuclear power plant into the ocean
(2)In addition, cesium 180 times the standard was detected in rockfish caught inside the port of Fukushima nuclear power plant
(3)According to Kyodo News and Fukushima TV on the 6th, TEPCO recently completed excavation of undersea tunnels and completed internal cleanup and inspection by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission the previous day
(4)As a result, they began filling undersea tunnels with seawater to release radioactive contaminated water into the ocean
(5)The Japanese government and TEPCO plan to complete the construction of the undersea tunnel at the end of this month and release contaminated water into the ocean from summer
(6)Meanwhile, TEPCO announced that a test of rockfish caught last month at the port of the Fukushima nuclear power plant detected 18,000 becquerels of radioactive cesium, 180 times the 100 becquerel Bq per kilogram standard set by the Japanese Food Sanitation Act
(7)Earlier in April, 1,200 becquerels of cesium were also detected in the rat songmi caught at the same location

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(1)2011 et al. 201st Popularity 516 Great Entertainment 17

It looks like he’s already been exposed

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