image text translation
(1)Issue D
(2)2011 bicycle accident
(3)He’s paralyzed from a spinal cord injury
(4)a man in his 40s in the Netherlands
image text translation
(1)Issue D
(2)wirelessly connecting brain-to-spinal cord communication
image text translation
(1)Wireless Digital Bridge
(2)Thanks to you, I was able to walk on my own
image text translation
(1)Issue D
(2)What people think
(3)Signaling exercise orders
image text translation
(1)Issue D
(2)The movement of the muscles
(3)I can control it delicately
(4)a research team at Lausanne University in Switzerland
The development of technology is truly great
image text translation
(1)Reply 1 Cat Gauke 2023-06-01 Best 1
(2)Disabled people should be eliminated
(3)warm words
(4)The pros and cons are terrible. I’ll stick it in
(5)Ask me why it’s warm
(6)I don’t want to have a pros and cons
(7)That’s right. Move 7
(8)Recommended reply
(9)Ddakkong Rambo 2023-06-01 15043 Light
(10)Best 2
(11)Can’t you really fix hair loss? 8
(12)Angnyom 2023-06-01-18277
(13)Best laugh
(14)In the past, when glasses were not widely used, myopia was also a disability, but these days, as we don’t call myopia a disability, I hope that the development of technology will be a minor thing that all disorders in the world can fix