A man who became rich while shaving.jpg

A man who became rich while shaving.jpg

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(1)It was in the late 19th century
(2)A man cuts his chin while shaving
(3)The reason was because of the dull razor blade, and the man looked at the injured jaw and had a concern
(4)”I can’t believe I bought another razor.”
(5)”Is there any way to change only this dull razor blade?”
(6)At that time, the razor was
(7)It was an integral structure with a razor blade and body, so I never imagined changing the razor blade
(8)”Then I’ll make it!!”
(9)That’s how it was born
(10)Cartridge method
(11)Cartridge room where only the bottom razor blade can be replaced
(12)And the man who made this razor
(13)”I’ll take care of your beard”
(14)- King C Gillette 1855-1932
(15)It’s the Gillette company we know
(16)in the name of a cartridge-type development
(17)Gillette Becomes No. 1 in Business at the Fastest Time
(18)One of the 0 year olds who was on a roll like that day
(19)Appearing like a comer in a company called “Big
(20)It’s the pen company we know
(21)stationery lighters sold by big companies
(22)Cheap’ One-lastic supplies such as pl use cheap materials
(23)BIC’s Management Room Hanging a Living Crab
(24)BIC released a disposable razor
(25)At the time, the key to razor competition was high-end shaving
(26)The appearance of such a cheap razor blade was shocking
(27)People who started to use disposable razors because they were cheap
(29)As the BIC razor began to become more popular, the fire fell on his feet
(30)Of course, I’m jealous

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(1)With Gillette’s quick response
(2)Fortunately, Gillette is able to stay at the top of the market
(3)But I have another concern
(4)Selling cheap good news has reduced the company’s profitability
(5)It’s not profitable to keep selling good news
(6)If you don’t want to do it, I think BIC will lose
(7)Gillette gave up on “Disposable Shaver Good News”
(8)Decide to focus more on existing razor business
(9)Gillette naturally falls into a dilemma
(10)How can I sell a razor better
(11)Should I make the performance better
(12)But the razor blades are already good enough
(13)What is the power of a razor
(14)Why does it still hurt
(15)The answer to that question was very simple
(16)If the angle of the razor’s jaw doesn’t match
(17)It’s not hair, it’s the skin on your chin
(18)Then everyone can adjust the angle
(19)Not everyone can shave without a wound anymore
(20)a large-scale study initiated by Razillette
(21)Existence is the ‘angle of all interlocks’
(22)Gillette’s revenue was about 2 trillion won at the time
(23)700 billion won
(24)The best razor for each race
(25)It became a razor company loved all over the world
(26)Will it become a powerhouse while studying the lower structure of all races around the world
(27)Is there a field where you can be soft
(28)according to people in the field of teeth
(29)I got to know the autonomous region
(30)So I decided to release my own product
(31)But Jilchettret is made with no brushes
(32)But it’s too early to study
(33)If so, there is only one way
(34)At that time, I took over Hana, a promising toothbrush company, and got a launching brush
(35)Based on the results of the technical research, it is only based on the foundation
(36)And as expected, the company that hit the jackpot
(37)Cross-Action Cro-Expert Complete7
(38)Oralbi Oral-B
(39)It’s a re-time giletter, and technology is improving technology
(40)He decided to invent an electric shaver
(41)Of course, there was no electric motor technology
(42)So I bought an electric motor company

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(1)Brown Braun Electric Motor
(2)If you made an electric razor
(3)Making an electric toothbrush is no wonder
(4)That’s how the Oralbi electric toothbrush was released
(5)But there’s another problem
(6)Electric razors Electric toothbrushes are electronic
(7)Electronics, of course, need power
(8)The power is, of course, batteries
(9)So I bought a battery company
(10)The company that Gillette took over
(11)an official agency
(12)Ensuring long-lasting power ③
(13)Duracell Duracell Battery Company
(14)At this point, I suddenly have a question
(15)No matter how well it goes, the state-of-the-art company will go
(16)He took over the company because he had some money
(17)Warren Buffettk
(18)All of this
(19)You invested in Warren Virgilette, so it was possible
(21)Anyway, so
(22)Let’s see what happened
(23)The first place in the razor industry is Myung Gillette Im Sang-sang
(24)And I lived in 2nd place for 2 years
(25)It’s a razor company called Dorco
(26)It’s a Korean company
(27)The best part of this company is Map Day
(29)I’m behind on quality retort, but the price is
(30)A young man in the 21st century who used this Dorco
(31)”I’m looking for Getridge because there are a lot of good kaeshi in cotton varieties.”
(32)It’s annoying
(33)So what this young man did
(34)The Dollar Shave Club is called ‘Dallor Shave Club’
(35)Insight Hatternet
(37)Ask about race, gender, age, number of shaves, etc
(38)Complete the survey
(39)If it fits you the most, please recommend pottery
(40)How many slices of raw fish do you need to do
(41)You can even write down the address and complete the payment
(42)Even if it’s in time for replacement
(43)Get the shaving cartridges to the front of the house
(44)It’s a supplier of razors and blades
(45)Anyway, this shaving club

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(1)and many other brands
(2)Unilever. It was acquired by a multinational company called Unilever
(3)a hairball clinic
(4)conditioning conditioning conditioning conditioning conditioning conditioning
(5)Head and Shoulder
(6)stand up
(7)It was acquired by a multinational company called PG
(8)This is the current structure
(9)The 1st place is still PG Gillette, and Ver Do Luco is chasing Pa
(10)2nd place is UNIRE

A man who became rich while shaving.jpg

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(1)Mint chocolate forging 2023-06921 154708
(2)Best 1
(3)They sell all kinds of kitchen knives and knives
(4)If you think about the price, the quality is not bad. Move
(5)Recommended reply
(6)Bottle gourd 2023-06-02 144306070
(7)Best 2
(8)Dorco’s bigger than I thought. I didn’t know it was world-wide

A man who became rich while shaving.jpg

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(1)I’m tearing up with the anti-GIF 2023-06-02 181703 3370
(2)I use Dorco at a cheap price, but the quality is not good, so I used Gillette, but the price was crazy, so I looked for an American company called Shik, so I used it, but there is not much difference from Gillette, and the price is many times higher
(3)I’ll report the R

A man who became rich while shaving.jpg

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(1)Hara Dad 2023-06-02 225410
(2)Shaver makers say Gillette’s shaving angle is the key. That angle is the best answer from shaving well to maintaining the razor blade, but other companies can’t do it because it’s Gillette’s patent. If you have a habit of shaving it up or down, it’s better to shave it


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