Recent state of Japanese cartoonist famous for his monstrous workload

Recent state of Japanese cartoonist famous for his monstrous workload

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(1)Look! The amount of this conti! I drew 144 pages this week!The manuscript has 30 pages, two colors, and Zelda Wang’s eyes have been clearedIt’s such a loyal week that I feel good!
(2)At 9092023 May 28, – 3.77 million views
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144 pages of content in a week

30 manuscripts, 2 colors

I even cleared Zelda’s big eyes

According to the legend of Hiro Masima’s serial speed

3 episodes in 2 weeks. 6 episodes in 2 weeks

2 episodes for 4 weeks in a row

Development of self-made games by serializing weekly comics

Recent state of Japanese cartoonist famous for his monstrous workload

image text translation

an author of Rave Fairytail

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