I don’t agree with my friend for lending me a printer

I don't agree with my friend for lending me a printer

image text translation

(1)I’m sorry
(2)I don’t think it’s a big deal, but I really don’t think
(3)I’m going to ask my friend
(4)My friend came over to my house
(5)Oh, right. I’m going to print something
(6)I asked if I could use your printer
(7)I willingly turned on the computer to use it
(8)Non-Double-Sided Home Default printer
(9)But they printed 40-50 pictures in color What;;
(10)[Laughing]I didn’t know what to say back then
(11)When I asked my friend what he thought
(12)I said I’d rent a printer, and you said yes
(13)I don’t like being petty with a few sheets
(14)He said it doesn’t matter[Laughing]
(15)I’m going to use the printer for a bitIf I do this
(16)How many do you think there are? I’m going to take dozens of them
(17)You don’t think about it If you’re going to pick dozens of colors
(18)I think it’s right to go to the Alpana stationery store
(19)Am I narrow-minded

I don't agree with my friend for lending me a printer

image text translation

(1)Bepple oo 20230531 1524
(2)If you go over 10 pages, you can do it at a specialty store. You have to pay for paper and ink. You have no conscience
(3)Bepple OO 20230531 1540
(4)40-50 sheets lol I found a house to printIf you go to an internet cafe, it’s 200 won per color print
(5)Bepple oo 20230531 2231
(6)No, regardless of the price of ink, how many layers of iron are there on your faceLol. If it’s less than 5 sheets, I can’t ask you because I’m sorry and embarrassed no matter how close you are, there are many print cafes these days, so it would be much easier and better to do it there, but if you really have a conscience, tell them to pay for the ink And cut it off, and I think it’s gonna be bad luck just to have those non-conceptual, no shame people around you
(7)Bepple oo 20230531 1509
(8)If you’re going to do 40 or 50 photos, I think it’s right to do a small case
(9)Bepple oo 20230531 1441
(10)This is what it means to be shameless

40 to 50 in color is a bit

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