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Japanese Snaeba Photo Collection and Snack Baran


Japanese Snaeba Photo Collection and Snack Baran

Japanese Snaeba Photo Collection and Snack Baran
Japanese Snaeba Photo Collection and Snack Baran
Japanese Snaeba Photo Collection and Snack Baran
Japanese Snaeba Photo Collection and Snack Baran
Japanese Snaeba Photo Collection and Snack Baran
Japanese Snaeba Photo Collection and Snack Baran
Japanese Snaeba Photo Collection and Snack Baran
Japanese Snaeba Photo Collection and Snack Baran
Japanese Snaeba Photo Collection and Snack Baran
Among the people who have lived or been to Japan

You know what kind of atmosphere the snack bar is

In Korea, if you look at the neighborhood soju room

We talked and the part-timer or employee said

We pour drinks and talk to our customers

Going around the table and pouring drinks


Snack Basnakku is common in Japan

Some places are run by a grandmother who is over 80 years old

I am doing.

Most of them are open without partitions

Of course, some of the past Korean SNAKKU or Southeast Asian SNAKKU

We go to the second round and it’s called Dohang

Dating outside with customers to boost sales

Or you can go to Snakku where you work together

We’re going to raise the store sales again

In Japan, it’s unique that you made a lot of sales

There’s a pay-per-view performance system

It’s a little different from us

It’s a professional consciousness

It is true that there is a problem

You shouldn’t have eaten at all

The media is so exaggerated about the snack bar

I think it’s expressed. What kind of atmosphere is it

I’m going to upload a picture

There’s a really expensive and luxurious snack bar

Snack bars. Most men and women go together

It’s also a local bar

I didn’t write it to defend the players

I described it as a room salon

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