bilateral assault

bilateral assault

image text translation

(1)Sesame Vidio MugAM
(2)Victim A, who was just walking on the street
(3)-Bedio Mug
(4)B, the assailant walking with his girlfriend from the opposite side

bilateral assault

image text translation

(1)a video mug
(2)Mr. B started arguing with the party
(3)Mr. A, who stops walking
(4)Mr. A stopped for a while when he heard Mr. B arguing and fighting with his girlfriend
(5)at the height of one’s life
(6)Mr. B’s party left
(7)An angry girlfriend is leaving Mr. B

bilateral assault

image text translation

(1)a video mug
(2)Mr. B suddenly calls his leaving girlfriend out loud
(4)Surprised by the sound of Mr. B calling his party

bilateral assault

image text translation

(1)a video mug
(2)Mr. A turned around
(3)When suddenly a loud noise was heard, of course, Mr. A had no choice but to look back in surprise
(4)If this was all Mr. A really did, he would just play with loud noises
(5)I turned around. That’s right
(7)Mr. B approached me

bilateral assault

image text translation

(1)Until he kept hitting the head of a victim who had already fallen unconscious
(2)You have to let go of the anger you got from fighting with your girlfriend, but you can’t give it to her
(3)To catch Gao in front of his girlfriend, he just became a target for any woman in front of him

bilateral assault

image text translation

(1)a video mug
(2)Move A, who lost consciousness, to the side of the street
(3)Holding unconscious A’s head and dragging him along
(4)at the report of another citizen
(5)The police have been dispatched

bilateral assault

image text translation

(2)In front of the police on the scene
(3)I was transferred to an ambulance
(4)Another citizen called the police
(5)Mr. A was transferred to an emergency car in front of the police
(6)a video mug
(7)Kim Nam-soo, a lawyer for victims
(8)Mr. B stated to the police in the district that the two-way assault was a bilateral assault case
(9)I only heard from Mr. B that it was a two-way assault

bilateral assault

image text translation

(1)a video mug
(2)Kim Nam-soo, a lawyer for victims
(3)At first, our victim was also the perpetrator
(4)Police booked the victim as a perpetrator
(5)He said he was assaulted too
(6)Rather, Mr. B, who sued Mr. A

bilateral assault

image text translation

(1)a video mug
(2)Victim of Mr. A’s assault
(3)I can’t remember because of the shock from the injury
(4)The other side said that I started the assault first, so the assault continued
(5)on hearing the claim that
(6)I’ll talk to the first investigator on the first investigator
(7)It’s a two-way assault, so we need to proceed with the investigation


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