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The Itaewon dinner challenge that the government is doing


The Itaewon dinner challenge that the government is doing

image text translation

(1)Ministry of National Defense of the Republic of Korea
(2)The Ministry of National Defense is also in Itaewon
(3)We support your new leap forward!
(4)#In_Taewon #eat_tawon #Ministry of National Defense #DiningChallenge #Regional win-win #Ministry of Foreign Affairs #Let’s be together
(5)Rocknd_official To revitalize the recovery of Itaewon commercial districts
(6)The Itaewon dinner challenge hosted by the Ministry of SMEs and Startups for the purpose of this!The Ministry of National Defense is also working hard to revitalize Itaewon
(7)We’re going to be together!
(8)To that end, we have prepared a meeting with the staff of the Ministry of National Defense in Itaewon

The Itaewon dinner challenge that the government is doing

image text translation

(1)mofa_kr Hello, I’m the first vice minister of foreign affairs, Jang Hojin Vice Minister of National Defense Shin Beom-cheol chose me to participate in the Itaewon dinner challenge
(2)The Ministry of Foreign Affairs will also support the revitalization of local commercial districts through the restoration of alley commercial districts In every corner of Itaewon alley, there are many restaurants where you can enjoy various foods from all over the world Why don’t you visit Itaewon World Food Street with your family and friends this weekend
(3)I recommend ministry_of_unification as the next runner-up, following the Ministry of Defence and Foreign Affairs Thank you.
(4)#Hey Itaewon #It_Taewon #eat_tawon #DiningChallenge #Ministry of Foreign Affairs #Ministry of Defense #Ministry of Unification #Ministry of Central and South Korea


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