What’s up with Lee Sunhee? Dispatch’s exclusive jpg

What's up with Lee Sunhee? Dispatch's exclusive jpg

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(1)a list of one-enter employees
(2)Lee Sunhee’s brother
(3)353 million won, 284 million won, 243 million won
(4)Total salary of Lee Sun-hee and Kwon Jin-young’s family
(5)880 million won

What's up with Lee Sunhee? Dispatch's exclusive jpg

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(1)Hook – one service and consultation agreement 2010
(2)Services and Consultation Agreements
(3)Hook Entertainment Co., Ltd. and Hook’s entertainers and trainees called One Entertainment Co., Ltd. and One Entertainment Co., Ltd. are under the following conditions for training, advice, and service management contracts
(4)Article 1 Purpose
(5)Hook and Won enter into this Agreement to establish mutual rights and obligations
(6)One (1) shall provide vocal training and training to celebrities and trainees belonging to Hook at the request of Hook
(7)2 We will discover potential rookies and train artists through unique and systematic training
(8)When producing the album of 3 Hook’s artists, the overall process such as recording and producing album vocals will be jointly conducted
(9)Article 3 Payment of consultation fees
(10)1 The fingerprint fee shall be settled monthly and paid within 30 days after the issuance of a VAT separate tax invoice 2. The payment under this section shall be deposited in cash into the following account
(11)㈜ One Entertainment
(12)Hook – one vocal training service contract 2015
(13)a service contract for vocal training
(14)Hook Entertainment hereinafter referred to as A and One Entertainment hereinafter referred to as One Entertainment shall enter into the following service contracts with each other in conducting vocal training of their celebrities and trainees
(15)Article 2 Method and amount of payment
(16)The amount of service expenses may vary depending on the monthly service provision by paying 50 million won per day to Kookmin Bank’s account
(17)In 2017, two years later, I will promote the amount after mutual consultation

What's up with Lee Sunhee? Dispatch's exclusive jpg

image text translation

(1)Lee Sun-hee Seoul Concert Expenditure Details 2018
(2)10 million won per 3 episodes
(3)Total cost of technical supervision
(4)a stage director
(5)the total cost of the stage director
(6)120,000 won per day for 4 days
(7)Concert dubbing for 200,000 won
(8)56 people performing security, 18 people performing wage protection for 3 days, 38 people performing 3 days
(9)Lee Sun-hee’s national tour expenditure 2018-2019
(10)Dongchang C Directed – 13th Talks KRW 10 million to KRW 30 million
(11)4-5 million won per 13 sessions of technical supervision
(12)120,000 won per person per day
(13)600,000 to 1 million won per stylist
(14)100,000 won to 700,000 won per orchestra
(15)13 Regional Tours – Suwon Daegu Incheon Daejeon Goyang Cheongju Gwangju Ulsan Busan Anyang Cheonan Jinju Wonju

Is singer Lee Sun-hee Lee Seung-gi’s teacher or economic community with Kwon Jin-young? Lee Seung-gi’s music teacher and Kwon Jin-young’s money laundry are right

The police’s blade is targeting Lee Sun-hee One Entertainment, which detected an abnormal transaction between Hook and One Entertainment, was established by Lee Sun-hee in 2010, and One is the last digit of her daughter’s name

According to Dispatch’s confirmation, the money flowing from Hook to One Entertainment was about 4.3 billion won, and an average of about 50 million won was deposited more than 70 times in the name of vocal training and advisory fees

Where did Lee Sun-hee spend the corporate money? Where did Kwon Jin-young take the corporate money? Like Lee Sun-hee’s hit song lyrics, money just passed by the One Entertainment

Lee Sun-hee appeared at the police station on the 25th be suspected of embezzlement of One Entertainment Police are also expected to investigate the unusual dealings with Hook

In many cases, the teacher’s lesson fee is a false sales and the family’s salary is close to fraudulent supply and demand

A Hook official told Dispatch last year, “Lee Sun-hee’s music fee is not constant,” adding, “We paid monthly distribution to office workers and entertainment for stable income.”

Hook said to Lee Seung-gi, “Your fans don’t make money. The more you release an album, the more negative it is,” and he pocketed nearly 10 billion won

However, the attitude for Lee Sun-hee was different, interpreting their explanation means that they supported music revenue by pushing ahead with illegal false sales

The police should compare the actual music revenue with the amount If there is a lot of revenue from music sources, if there is a lot of unreached false sales, it can be seen as a breach of trust

Another analysis is possible

Hook and One Entertainment Kwon Jin-young and Lee Sun-hee are economic communities

One Entertainment Lee Sun-hee copied the way Hook Kwon Jin-young used it

For example, 4.3 billion won paid from Hook to One Entertainment was shared evenly by Kwon Jin-young, family and friends, and more than 1 billion won. Whose money was transferred

Teacher D-eye’s lesson fee is 4.3 billion…Lee Sun-hee Hook and Economic Community

Is singer Lee Sun-hee Lee Seung-gi’s teacher or economic community with Kwon Jin-young? Lee Seung-gi’s music teacher and Kwon Jin-young’s money laundry are right. The police’s blade is aimed at Lee Sun-hee Detects strange transactions between Hook and One Entertainment


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