The recent status of the suspected sudden acceleration accident in which the grandson next to the grandmother died

The recent status of the suspected sudden acceleration accident in which the grandson next to the grandmother died

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(1)the first trial of suspected sudden acceleration
(2)You’re the only you survive
(3)”I’m so sorry to my grandson”
(4)Chuncheon District Court
(5)”He sent his grandson to heaven by mistake.”
(6)”I can’t live under false charge.”
(7)The late Lee Do Hyun’s grandmother
(8)Q. KBS report

The recent status of the suspected sudden acceleration accident in which the grandson next to the grandmother died

image text translation

(1)the first trial of suspected sudden acceleration
(2)Sanghoon Lee The late Lee Do Hyun’s father
(3)The manufacturer had a real problem with a clear cause
(4)If it were clear that there was a faulty vehicle

The recent status of the suspected sudden acceleration accident in which the grandson next to the grandmother died

image text translation

(1)the first trial of suspected sudden acceleration
(2)Attorney Ha Jong-sun’s family legal representative
(3)The news is that the vehicle is defective through two emotions
(4)We proved that the EDR accident recorders in the square were wrong

She filed a lawsuit against her grandmother, saying she couldn’t be falsely accused of causing her grandson to die, and now the trial is starting

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