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a domestic caste


a domestic caste

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(1)The country digs only to protect its vested interests and holdings
(2)puke or not, the 2nd class
(3)be less than 10 of the total population
(4)If you go back to the family tree at home, the traditional pro-Japanese group is the main
(5)If there are people who didn’t get 2 out of them, that’s unexpected
(6)Respected with a sense of history and knowledge of social responsibilities and duties
(7)There are a few rich people
(8)The class that’s standing on the border between the second-class middle class and the wealthy is like this
(9)They were discovered
(10)Your future is two or three steps more economically than it is now
(11)Bet on the belief that you can leap
(12)It’s about the benefits and benefits of getting richer in the future
(13)the second class, judging by the advantage of the rich
(14)confident that one’s beliefs and plans will make one rich
(15)That’s why it’s 2
(16)There’s a good chance you’ll be rich if you have a sound foundation
(17)Those who can’t even think about losing

a domestic caste

image text translation

(1)Evidence that you will live well if you copy the third-class vested rich
(2)No faith! This very strong class
(3)With that belief alone, there are many brainless desires who copy whatever the rich choose without thinking
(4)It’s not a matter of consideration what your reality is likeI heard that it was a hit because I bought an apartment “I heard that I got rich by buying stocks.” Those who are very attractive
(5)It’s just a very rich, strong, and admirable thing
(6)water slaves
(7)They don’t even think that the probability of becoming rich increases only when their social base is healthy like grade 2

a domestic caste

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(1)Class four, the thoughtless class
(2)If you talk in Jongpyeon and Chojung-dong, you think that’s right
(3)If there are many people around me who say the same thing, I thought that was right
(4)For example, if there are a lot of comments saying that we have to take two pictures at a mom cafe, I think that’s right, so I’ll take two pictures
(5)the type that chooses the one with the most arithmetic numbers around one’s eyes
(6)have no backbone
(7)I hate 5th grade Femi. I hate it. I hate 2nd class because I’m getting rid of the female part
(8)Who listens to the one and only concern
(9)those who only care about things
(10)All the other issues that are more important than that, grab that one thing
(11)The one who didn’t even look at it and chose to take 2 pictures
(12)It is very similar to the psychology of cat moms
(13)It’s an open secret that there’s a lot of people in this class

a domestic caste

image text translation

(1)There’s no need to say that you’re going to protect level 6 Moon Jae In
(2)be just a dog’s
(3)Breathing alive is a waste of oxygen
(4)The head is the shape of a balloon’s features
(5)It’s not protein. It’s fatty and methane gas
(6)Of course, let alone logical thinking to get to the bottom of the case
(7)be inherently incapable of thinking
(8)It’s something similar to a person who imitates people
(9)Rice and water are wasteful objects

a domestic caste

image text translation


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