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Copyright happening due to Japanese announcer’s Sekiro play video


Copyright happening due to Japanese announcer's Sekiro play video

image text translation

(1)The popularity of TBS by female announcers
(2)The live play video of “SEKIRO”
(3)Why claim copyright to all of YouTube’s SEKIRO play videos
(4)YouTube contributors who posted SEKIRO videos from a long time ago lost their profits to deep-rooted TBS
(5)There are voices of confusion at home and abroad Right now
(6)Contant ID LC5 was created by the company L
(7)HTDs (crying)
(8)Director SYSEKIRO
(9)May 23, 2023, 1131 PM, 3.27 million views

Announcer uploaded a video of Seki playing on Japanese broadcasting station TBS

But TBS applied for the copyright for the video

Other YouTubers’ Sekiro videos were suspended due to copyright warnings

Copyright happening due to Japanese announcer's Sekiro play video

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(1)The same video will be played no matter who plays the movie scene
(2)Do you mean that

What I’m saying is that it’s not Sekiro’s own copyright

I only applied for the copyright of the video with Sekiro, which was played by the announcer himself

As a result, the YouTube algorithm is the same as Sekiro Movie Scene, and other YouTubers’ Sekiro videos are falling due to copyright violations

Copyright happening due to Japanese announcer's Sekiro play video

image text translation

(1)Eclipse 28977k5
(2)Chatting. I’m going crazy with Seki, too[Laughing]ID Eclipseia
(3)● 11 hours ago
(4)A copyright infringement report has been filed against the content of M50 boss Pa Gye-seung, who targets the Sekiro 100, which also copies YouTube Valcon – ID Eclipse, “YouTube Seki” is #18 Father Chu’s content has been reported for copyright infringement – Hello Eclipsea, the content ID is YouTube Copyright claim created for content in Seki, event targeting broadcast #2 – Hi Eclipse 2 – Full video channel A copyrigYouTube Sekiro pa #17 Father, it’s been a long timeA copyright infringement report has been filed for ‘s content – Hello Eclipse, a copyright infringement report has been filed on the content of KON YOUTUBE Sekiro’s target broadcast #40 wave succession pattern – Eclipse YouTube Ninja fought like a ninja, but a copyright infringement report was filed for Sekiro’s content – Hello, Eclipse. ICYOUTube A copyright claim was created for content in a long time It was summer, Sekiro’s old all-bossy – You Tube A copyright claim created for content in Sekiro Bossrush New DLC 1 #7 – Hi Eclipse 2 – Full video channel AcYouTube Balcon also reported this copyright for Sekiro 100 Targeting M49 Boss Shading Owl Crew Owl #4Copyright for Sekiyube Created for content in #2 Sekiro 2021 Year-end 1 Day 1 Allbo Relay – Hi Eclipse 2nd – Full Video Channel YouTube A copyright claim was created for Eclipse Rehabilitation Training #2 – Hi Eclipse 2 – Full Video Channel A copyrig
(5)I watched it after the show, and it’s crazy
(6)What is it
(7)Recommendation 7. I don’t recommendation

Therefore, Eclipse, a soul-oriented streamer, is also copyrighted and is in the process of solving it

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