A series of North Korean defectors in Uzbekistan a year ago

A series of North Korean defectors in Uzbekistan a year ago

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A series of North Korean defectors in Uzbekistan a year ago

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(1)With a Korean latecomer
(2)A North Korean restaurant employee in Uzbekistan falls in love
(3)The first employee in love escaped from North Korea
(4)3 remaining employees and 1 manager
(5)One of the employees is safe and sounding like he’s leaving
(6)I don’t know. North Korean defector
(7)Two Successful Defectors
(8)I was dispatched from the security department
(9)1 manager and 2 employees left
(10)It’s obvious that the investigation must have been incredibly frightening and disturbing
(11)How did the three of us get along
(12)Three North Korean defectors at the same time
(13)A total of five successful North Korean defectors
(14)I think it was possible in the aftermath of COVID-19
(15)And the guards in charge say they’re in exile because they’re the ones who’re the most poor
(16)This spectacular true story should be made into a movie

A series of North Korean defectors in Uzbekistan a year ago

image text translation

(1)The restaurant where female North Korean defectors worked – The restaurant’s hometown in Tashkent, Uzbekistan Five female employees in their early 20s have reportedly fled to South Korea three times since May. It is the first time in more than six years that overseas North Korean restaurant employees have defected to North Korea since April 2016


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