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Blasap’s 19-year-old wife has surpassed 2,500 comments


Blasap's 19-year-old wife has surpassed 2,500 comments

image text translation

(1)Married yesterday
(2)Korea Railroad Corporation llliiai
(3)Guys, it’s a national anthem
(4)This is the real world
(5)The bride-to-be isn’t married yet. She’s 19 years old and she speaks so nicely
(6)I’ll make her happy
(8)I’m happy to meet my husband
(10)I want to be with you for a long time
(12)My husband wants to live happily with his wife for a long time
(13)How does your wife feel about this relationship to me
(14)I asked him
(16)You can answer as your wife feels
(18)I want to be with my husband for a long time and be with him for a long time
(19); A tour of design at John Paul Jewelry
(20)Who wants to go on a blind date at an hour cafe
(21)You guys don’t even have Samchun at home
(22)I strongly recommend it. If you have a baby, it’s a macro-patriot
(23)LG Household & Health Care Room
(24)Oh, that’s right
(25)The bride-to-be was young
(26)If I can train, I think I can do 34
(27)Patriotism is a possibility
(28)Good. 16
(29)You guys don’t even have Samchun at home
(30)Honestly, rather than giving permanent residency to a large number of foreign refugees due to a population cliff
(31)I think it’s better to go to the National Assembly to help drive the birth rate
(32)Semes CtXi85
(33)Oh, that’s right [Laughing]
(34)Yesterday, I liked it
(35)Start-up Nak-Gop-Saegi
(36)Just looking at the women here throwing words and fighting, that’s pathetic
(37)You can tell that you’re still left after being touched by Do Kakaotalk
(38)Good, 32
(39)Civil Service – liliillill
(40)He’s a man, but he’s not good for a man ;;
(41)I liked it yesterday. 28
(42)Why am I a woman if I don’t bless you
(43)Start-up Nak-Gop-Saegi
(44)I’m not going to bless you. I shouldn’t do that
(45)Good. 1
(46)Cursed is a woman
(47)Good. 12
(48)New company, 1111!
(49)Even normal guys became blackjumma lol
(50)Good. 45
(51)Samsung Electronics iwowm
(52)Be careful not to run away
(53)Yesterday, it was good. 146
(54)Korean Iron and Steel Coating Company
(55)There is no need to run away, but even if you run away, you will divorce a Korean
(56)a single stroke
(57)Yesterday, it was good. 84
(58)New company oHIalo
(59)That’s true
(60)27 years old
(61)GS E&C – why64
(62)If I were Kook, I would have lost half of my precious property and run away
(63)Good. 148
(64)New company oHlalo
(65)It’s a relief to think that you’re not taking it away, but you’re still on the run
(66)The probability of happening is the same life
(67)Good. 3
(68)K&Works Lim Youngwoong Jaejoong
(69)Korean women run away more easily. One girl has high eyes, so in the first place
(70)If a person in Seoul shouts possession because he/she is married to run away, he/she will be delayed without trading yesterday under good conditions
(71)It’s 40
(72)Korea Aerospace Research Institute – Beast Inspection and Rescue
(73)Whether it’s a free return guarantee insurance, yesterday ★ sounds good!Or
(74)It’s 19
(75)That’s what you said it
(76)Summarize in Korean
(77)Blah blah. Yesterday
(78)Sung!!!! Electronic Sam
(79)If you look at this, you can hear the story of the national anthem
(80)When it comes to national affairs, it’s not easy for Russian women to get married
(81)If you’re fat, you’re fat
(82)Japan has to make a single income
(83)I know that Southeast Asia needs to support my parents for living expenses
(84)It’s there is
(85)I can get married in a duo
(86)Receive notification of Dingdong customized job offer
(87)1 Share
(88)New company!iljit
(89)Yesterday, it was good. 154
(90)Illyai Construction Korea Railroad
(91)Yes, these days, there is no support for parents’ living expenses. If you have a child, you can get a three-year invitation visa
(92)Mother, come to Korea and make money
(93)Good. 2
(94)Government employees!!!!!111
(95)I think all three of these were true in Korea
(96)Kookmin Bank ijjiiji
(97)Lol, there are three Korean women. Laughing out loud
(98)Yesterday, I liked 50
(99)GS E&C – Why64 is good to see yesterday
(101)K&Works Lim Young-woong Jae-han girls are better than Han-nyeo, who have a salary of 5,000 or more per year in Seoul 13
(103)I want to be Yuzo
(104)NAVER Illiliilll LOL Crazy
(105)Yesterday, “I like it” 2
(106)USGBORAL You guys don’t even have Samchun at home? 3LOL All corresponding Junnae Laughing Yesterday ★ Good 17
(107)Oh, yes
(108)Seoul Special City LILL TIL
(109)If you marry a country like that, you’ll have to keep it safe because you’re a foreigner. If you marry a country like that, your people won’t run away, you won’t have a divorce, you’ll be faithful to your family
(110)It’s like “wow” when it reaches 2,000
(111)Seomin, who will spend a lot of money on collecting water
(112)in a few letters
(114)like this
(115)It’s disgusting to think that you’re a third-generation celebrity in your 20s who’s a few years apart from your school’s founding days, but you don’t know how many bad comments you have at the age of nine, you’re on the waiting list for your job, if you’re a business, you’re a U.N. president
(116)9 years old
(117)I loved it
(118)I feel sorry for the bride because she’s wearing a harness. She’s studying hard at the age of nine
(119)It’s going to be 1
(121)Samkik Mathematics
(123)Eulbi Province
(124)a son of a gun
(125)Or if you think of it as disgusting, isn’t it too much
(127)It’s the most disgusting thing about marriage
(128)Good. 44
(129)It’s not disgusting, it’s unfortunate. I was in the first grade of teaching practice when I was a student, and I remember that my mothers were in their 40s and 50s in Korea when they were in their 40s and 50s living in the countryside
(130)I went out of my mind, but I worked out
(131)I was about 28 years old
(132)She was a baby
(133)one’s peers
(135)It’s the third time
(136)Good, 26
(137)Hyundai Motor and Stone
(138)If you just block it, Bla will be clean. Bla will be weird. Junathan
(139)The national power source magnetism zUHi56 Park. Ji-Soo-Joon, yesterday is good
(140)I can’t get out of it because it’s typical to judge a man’s life
(141)a man of artificiality
(142)It’s 11
(143)ILLE TIL, Seoul, Republic of Korea
(144)But why don’t you know your spouse is a popoop civil servant, so it’s a pity that he’s a town farmer in his 20s and raises himself without dating a citizen in his 20s. I’m sorry that it’s a marriage. Their family’s love is so full and intense. I like their life that I should evaluate him
(147)Take it
(148)Hyundai Motor’s il!llil!!!
(149)Entertainment Awards
(150)Good. 14
(151)a public official pop-pop
(152)Like you said, you made the best choice in your situation
(153)I can do it
(154)Seriously, even if I get married to someone like that, I’m a good seller I think I’m happy to think about it. I think I’ve been sold in a happy life. I think I’ll be happy in my 1920s
(155)It’s just for the sake of it
(156)It’s just
(157)IITLE TIL, Seoul, Republic of Korea
(158)If it’s sold over the years, domestic marriages are not much different, so it’s a marriage, domestic sales, overseas sales, or marriage, whatever it is, it’s a happy thing. I feel sorry for you. I feel better if I make a double frame6 Plays Bullda right pop pop
(159)ten thousand
(160)Hanyoung Accounting Corporation gRBy51 is the falling public official himself, so I can be happy. I’m counting my life and I like it
(161)Life isn’t a pity. You’re the best choice
(162)There is
(163)I’m going to be happy, but I’m not going to sell you more than 2 million in your life of me
(166)I like you, civil servant. I don’t think she’s worried about her life, so figure out the topic
(167)E-Mart 24 Chosun-made Japanese Sword Han Dong-hoon’s attack button, not Lee Jeong-do, 97 runaway oppa
(168)I think it’s a runaway button
(169)”Really King Revona”
(170)12 hours. Good 23
(171)[Laughing] [Laughing]
(172)National Police Agency – What’s wrong with LeBron Curry? Why do you like it’s good
(173)I thought it was an international marriage, but I understand that you want me to get married
(175)GS Engineering & Construction Co., Ltd
(176)[Laughing] [Laughing]
(177)Gate Entertainment I1110ㅇ스Smile
(178)4 hours. Good
(179)KEPCO KPS ijluijli As men who thought it was a magino turned to young and fresh foreigners because of the runaway number of women, I started to tremble in the hands and feet of despondency that comes from who I live with 37
(181)New company zkwp23k lol Amazing
(182)BLACKPINK think like this[Laughing]Wow
(183)ask for a lot of money
(184)Good. 34
(185)What’s the reason for the Seoul jilij1 raw edition
(186)Rumans say they’re going to go to the state, but they can’t celebrate it, but they developed it
(189)Good, 11
(190)The old ladies of the Busan Facilities Corporation said, “Do you know how to fly when you’re old?” And the old ladies’ comments are funny. If you pretend not to be like before, men will have a secret weapon fight. 4 hours is good. 21
(193)Korea Electric Power Corporation!!!!!There are a lot of things that I can feel when I just tell them to live well when I write that I’m done with all the nationalities. LOL. 4 hours is good. 24 comments
(194)If you watch the development
(195)Kakaope – Pauser is coming they want to share and compare and ignore in a hurry lol
(197)HD Hyundai ENT – Dobby is
(198)The reason for the development is that
(199)Hey! This 3 hours is good. You all know that
(200)It is the same that Samsung SD’s fish car server manager S is selling doctors, but it is natural that foreign cars are better than used cars out of 10 million kilometers;;
(202)Mountain 5
(203)Let’s do it. 4 hours. Good. 25
(204)Government employee – Liilllllii wonder if it will be sold by the government
(205)What’s the reason why domestic soul is not a trade
(207)Good. 7
(208)Solje Venni
(209)If you’re going to sell and sell, you shouldn’t have to distribute 55 properties when you get married first, but it’s not something like that. Don’t you have a dog attack if you say it’s an area where the limit is lifted while you’re at a shopping mall near a military base
(211)Elegant brothers – jilijjijo used car yes 3 hours good
(212)500,000 km;
(213)LeBron Curry, National Police Agency
(214)I understood you wanted me to domy marriage
(215)3 o’clock is good. 22 hours
(216)My friend, Nowon-gu Office and Jinyoung. I understand
(217)Me too
(218)Samsung Heavy Industries, Bla! Bla! Bla!I don’t have any packaging lol Why do you keep talking about trading marriage with me? What’s the difference between men getting married to Korean women and getting married? If women get married after seeing men’s money skills, that’s also a trading marriage
(221)Good. 23 liver
(222)Woori Bank! 1!ILL
(223)That’s right. If you think about getting married, it’s good to be married for 3 hours
(224)Volvo Group Korea Pata-flavored Coconut
(225)COUPANG 335544220 There’s no refutation for 3 hours2
(227)SK Hynix – GFRIEND GFRIEND GAMKER SEOGAE HAPPY HAPPY BECAUSE YOURSELF, YOURSELF, WHEN YOURSELF, YOURSELF, YOURSELF, YOURSELF, YOURSEL The beginning of jealousy is because it always occurs in that direction It’s like entropy
(228)20 years old
(229)Atsc01 One LIG neck
(230)I’m jealous of Nick
(231)Doctor! Iill!!!il
(232)[Laughing] [Laughing]
(233)J SK이노베이션 · 헛소리전문물리치료사진짜 동 차 비유 잘해 놨 네 ㅋ ㅋ30만키로 탄소유자변경 10회 이상 거친 국산차 vs 베트남 신차
(235)Why would you do this if you said you’d buy a Vesin car, but I’d rather burn three men, 2,000 dollars in a new Vietnamese car, 300 million won in a bought car, and you’d be dead
(236)The most common case in Korea. It’s not like I love you, but I’m getting married and I’m getting married. What’s a luxury bag in Diana’s house? It’s not a sales spirit to want more from a man
(237)It’s okay. It’s okay
(238)2.3 billion won each
(239)If you are a consumer, you can’t refute 30 domestic cars with 300 million won vs. a new Vietnamese car with 2,000 won
(240)Good. 31
(241)G-Market – Inumusme
(242)Someone who learned it
(243)Good, four
(244)SK Innovation’s nonsense specialist physical therapist, KEPCO, can ride the domestic car. I like China for 3 hours with 2,000 won. 9G
(245)RUSH is now at 300 million and 30 million won
(246)I’m so excited
(247)National Health Insurance Corporation iijlijin, a woman of the same age
(248)If you look at the “so-hate” and “dumb habits,”
(249)People who have a lot of plans to drink and travel abroad with a lot of luxury goods while making 2-300 won
(250)It’s not like the house is well-off. It’s goodLiver.
(251)National Health Insurance Corporation Tijliji1 That’s not wrong. 3 hours is good. 5
(252)a rotten tangerine award
(253)GSK Innovation’s nonsense department female club members want to live without thinking 3 hours Good 5 physical therapy
(254)If you look at “Really Sisubi Habits,” how can he’s a star
(255)National Health Insurance Corporation iijliljin is just real lol Where is that money coming from if you don’t have enough money
(256)LG Electronics vWWWWVVVVW and Korea are especially distributed in a number of small boxes called Instagram, and if a tangerine is rotten, only the box is rotten, but if a tangerine is rotten in a huge box
(258)Hyundai Engineering qyrh1 Basically, it is a normal person’s accident to congratulate and cheer for a person who likes it 2 If so, is the person who criticizes it not abnormal 3 If so, why are you criticizing outside of the normal category
(259)I have to think hard about it 4 Some cases of running away in the news, making a hasty generalization error and lashing out
(260)Criticizing that it is a 520 million won sales marriage and dirty 6 It is questionable whether a man’s position has ever been considered here7 Of course, there may be a normal man’s love marriage, but it is thought that more men who have not been able to date due to insufficient appearance and property. These days, marriage has become almost impossible without lease prices
(261)8 Yes, you have to ask yourself if you can take a man like that as your husband. 10 What’s so uncomfortable about a man who won’t meet you getting married for his happiness? 12 It’s based on a tendency to blame his patheticness for not being sold, and if he doesn’t look at others, it’s even better to be happy 21
(263)iijjliilf no Korea car
(264)Oh, I agree
(265)GS Retail XGBh53
(266)Femi is mental illness
(267)Good 19 ● Bigger


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