The end of the person who tried to save money for a motel

The end of the person who tried to save money for a motel

image text translation

(1)a free public parking lot in the park is open to the public
(2)Field Road View Notes
(3)Park naturally in an empty handicapped parking area
(4)Driver who got out of the vehicle after a while
(5)He’s not going. He’s a bad hunter
(6)Install it in the front window
(7)To take a nap
(8)I came to the park parking lot
(9)Even though we’re in a good place to hunt
(10)It’s still on
(11)The owner of the car parked in the parking lot next to me
(12)I don’t know if it was uncomfortable for a crazy bad guy next to me to turn on the engine and sleep
(13)don’t do
(14)But here
(15)It’s the beginning of a crazy atrocity
(16)a vicious hunter
(17)There’s a car next to you, and there’s a seat
(18)He’s moving like a rat
(19)There’s a car next to me
(20)Sneaking away like a rat
(21)Sunvisor internal picture
(22)Without walking on the sun visor
(23)don’t do
(24)Like driving with your eyes closed
(25)Even if it’s straight, I’ll just take it
(26)I think it’s fatego
(27)That’s why you’re such a bad guy
(28)In order to treat financial treatment
(29)Not going.
(30)taken every minute
(31)require two sheets of paper
(32)Safety Newspaper Reporting Requirements
(33)never lose
(34)Filming date and time 202301272412 Safety Bulletin
(35)Filming date 20230127 1842 Safety Bulletin
(36)6 minutes apart, but 1 minute apart is enough
(37)I finished filming
(38)Look at the license plate. The number of the car is lower
(40)After overlapping, they even catch sharing
(41)This is an illegal parking shipment in the disabled-only area. Details
(42)He’s taking a nap in the sunin a state of order
(43)I can’t help but sigh
(44)a park parking lot
(45)A car with a young man on
(46)You’re taking a nap
(47)The killing point is underlined at the bottom LOL
(48)a vicious hunter
(49)You’re taking a nap after blocking the sunlightGlass
(50)The person in charge also saw that the front window was covered with sunlight
(51)He’s in a nap, covering his car with the sun on
(53)I’m sure he felt disgusted
(54)with a satisfaction survey
(55)Good luck in your family
(56)I want you to do it
(57)2 Your opinion on the civil matters is as follows. The vehicle you reported is the meaning of the review of the violation of the vehicle order inquiry
(58)many ears
(60)Article 27 (2) and (3) of the Act on the Guarantee of Convenience Promotion of Pregnant Women, etc. with Disabilities Identified as Vehicles
(61)a fine based on
(62)There will be a fee
(63)I don’t know if the person in charge actually thought it was disgusting
(64)Satisfaction Survey 1 Full of Health and Good Luck in Your Home
(65)I hope you do that
(66)2. The following are the opinions of the review limit on your complaint The vehicle you reported violates the result check
(67)Article 27 and (2) 3 of the Act on the Guarantee of Convenience Promotion for Persons with Disabilities, the Elderly, Pregnant Women, etc. after being identified by a vehicle have been fined
(68)will be imposed
(69)On January 30th, three days after the report
(70)a jil hunter
(71)I want your family full of health and good luck
(72)I hope you do
(73)2 Your opinion on your complaint is as follows The vehicle reported by you was identified as a violation of the vehicle as a result of a vehicle inquiry, and almost dismissed the negligence under Article 27 (2) and (3) of the Act on the Guarantee of Convenience Promotion of Persons with Disabilities, Elderly Pregnant Women, etc
(74)Expected income to be charged
(75)I sent you a gift certificate at a super speed
(76)Details of the imposition of fines according to the request for information disclosure
(77)Opinion submission deadline start date Opinion submission deadline end date
(78)Old Social Welfare Disabled Parking Area
(79)The gift certificate was sent right away on the day of the answer on January 30th
(80)Details of the imposition of fines in accordance with the request for information disclosure The deadline for submitting opinions to begin The deadline for submitting opinions The deadline for submitting
(81)Violation of the parking area for the disabled in the Old Social Welfare Department
(82)The financial treatment went well
(83)Date of imposition of fine according to request for information disclosure
(84)End of comment deadline Start of expiration date
(85)Old Social Welfare Department Area for Persons with Disabilities
(86)It costs about 20,000 won for four hours
(88)Details of the imposition of fines according to the request for information disclosure
(89)Comment submission deadline Last comment submission deadline End date
(90)Violation of disabled parking areas
(91)Rather, he is a model citizen who chose to pay taxes to the country
(92)I’m going to catch a notice
(93)I know you’re the last bad hunter
(94)Where did you hunt
(95)I hunted in the air He’s over 100m
(96)If you check the violation photo attached to the penalty notice
(97)You’ll be confused as to whether it’s a drone in the air


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