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Yoon ordered the completion of the nuclear power plant by 15 months as if it were building an apartment!


Crazy rot that nuclear power plant construction orders air reduction like building apartments

The fear of shortening the air in an apartment! Even though I experienced the collapse of Hwajeong I-Park in Gwangju, I have a stone head

And so-called nuclear experts have changed safety

It’s going to be 15 months

The construction permit and timing of the Nuclear Safety and Security Commission are variable


Construction permits expedited

When it’s done

It could be a year or two earlier

The guy who agrees with this is

Chung Yong-hoon, professor of nuclear and quantum engineering at KAIST

Safety verification process as originally intended by the Nuclear Safety and Security Commission

“If you just check, there will be no delay.”

an additional vestigial decree

Jeong Beom-jin, professor of nuclear engineering at Kyung Hee University

The Nuclear Safety and Security Commission’s administrative procedures

how far from

Do you show flexibility

For the construction project of the 3rd and 4th units in Seoul

Determine the Speed

You said you’d do it

They’re talking about shortening the air

The final procedure, the permit price for the construction of the Nuclear Safety and Security Council

I’m talking

The safety check process takes the most time, and we pull this to 12 years


They’re calling it Fukushima’s water!

The traitor regime, who suffers from a disease that dies if he fails to talk about Moon Jae-in once a day

Yoon ordered the completion of the nuclear power plant by 15 months as if it were building an apartment!

image text translation

(1)This nuclear power plant, which was stopped by the Moon administration, will be built 15 months earlier
(2)Song Kwang-seop reporter opess122 mkcokr input 20235182136 modified 20235182151
(3)Site suspension began in July after an environmental impact assessment by the Ministry of Environment more than 15 months earlier. Whether to approve the majority of the commissioned members of the Speed Moon Government after replacing the Vice Minister of Policy and Industry
(4)Sihwa rate 340

Yoon ordered the completion of the nuclear power plant by 15 months as if it were building an apartment!

image text translation

(1)On this day, Vice Minister of Industry Kang Kyung-sung also visited Shin Han-ul Units 3 and 4 as his first on-site move in office Vice Minister Kang said, “Please follow relevant regulations and make all-out efforts to manage safety, and proceed with the process as quickly as possible,” adding, “Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power should thoroughly prepare for the construction of the Nuclear Safety Commission.”

Yoon ordered the completion of the nuclear power plant by 15 months as if it were building an apartment!

image text translation

(1)In response, experts point out that whether and when the Nuclear Safety and Security Commission permits construction is a variable If the construction permit proceeds quickly, the completion time could be moved up by one to two years, but it remains to be seen how quickly the Moon Jae Inn government will appoint a majority of the nine members, including the chairman
(2)Including the chairman, there are a total of five members of the Nuclear Safety and Security Commission appointed by the Moon Jae Inn government Of the four appointed after the change of government, one is recommended by the Democratic Party of Korea

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