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Lee Geun is shooting at Musat


Lee Geun is shooting at Musat

image text translation

(1)P Muscat Part 1, Part 2
(3)Recently, I made the first and second Muscat episodes
(4)After the second episode, the people involved in Musat
(5)Especially those who made false frames
(6)I have a seizure
(7)The people I mentioned last time
(8)Underground Mission Possible Agent H
(9)And Kwon Hyukhyun
(10)Kwon Hyuk-hyun, Sean
(11)These three were the main players
(12)There are a few more in the dark
(13)Someone recently appeared
(14)Kim Sung Il 45th UDT
(15)Cyber Rechka
(16)Director of Technology, MUSAT
(17)short-term sergeant discharge
(18)a special naval officer
(19)His name is Kim Sung Il
(21)MUSAT Technology Director General of Short-Term Staff Discharge
(22)Title job is technical director at Musat
(23)I met this guy after I joined the company as managing director of Musat
(24)Jung Ji-ki and Kim Sung-il, who are UDT colleagues
(25)It was really cool because it looked similar to the Mediterranean
(26)But recently, he kept telling lies about me
(27)The number of subscribers is going up
(28)And he keeps lying like this
(29)So, I’m going to correct the facts here
(30)What he’s saying here
(31)There’s a big one
(32)That’s navy muk-twi. Musat muk-twi
(33)Musat Meoktwi is similar to Navy Meoktwi
(34)It’s true that I paid in arrears

Lee Geun is shooting at Musat

image text translation

(1)It’s true
(2)Does this make sense
(3)This guy said I ate Musat and ran away
(4)But with my mouth
(5)He says it’s true that he doesn’t pay wages
(6)You don’t pay me for a year. Of course I’m going out
(7)And all the other employees came out
(8)The staff are eating and running
(9)I look at other companies
(10)If you don’t get paid
(11)If you go out, that’s eating and running
(12)What are you talking about
(13)I don’t think I even came out of middle school
(14)I’m not very intelligent
(15)I can’t help but mention the fake man
(16)That’s why I said that
(17)After the fake guy became known to the public
(18)Including me, the staff members
(19)There was a bit of hope
(20)We’ve been working hard for the next 10 years
(21)We can see the light, too
(22)Former executive director Lee Keun
(23)After I quit my job, it became more difficult to manage

Lee Geun is shooting at Musat

image text translation

(1)”It’s hard to be a Muscat because I quit my job”
(2)If Musat fails without me
(3)That company needs to go bust
(4)And it ended up being ruined
(5)He’s blaming me
(6)Because of his lack of skills
(7)Blaming others
(8)It’s wrong
(9)That’s why I’m telling you to eat Muscat and run away
(10)I haven’t been getting paid
(11)I can’t continue to do volunteer work
(12)And even if I went out, the company became difficult
(13)Then you can work harder
(14)Why do you blame me
(15)He keeps trying to cheat on me
(16)It’s not just that I didn’t pay you
(17)My contract
(18)I suddenly wanted to add something to that
(19)All profits unrelated to Muscat
(20)The profits I make
(21)First, I need to take a picture of Muscat’s bank account
(22)At that point, I already had a lot of doubts about Musat
(23)It’s a fraudulent company
(24)The structure itself is really weird
(25)There are so many useless secrets
(26)If all the profits
(27)If you go into that bank account
(28)I thought I’d never see you again
(29)And the others were actually taken
(30)That’s why I quit my job
(31)I’m making a false frame
(32)And because of someone’s resignation
(33)If you think it’s going to be hard for the company
(34)You can treat him like that
(35)It’s very simple
(36)If it’s normal, every company will try to do that

1 After the fake man, Lee Geun is out of Musat. So, Lee Geun does not appear in the fake man 2

2 Framed that Lee Geun ate and ran away from Musat

3 According to Lee Geun, the main culprits of this frame are the 3 members of this short clip

4 Another Musat ex-employee posted a video of him dissing Lee Geun on YouTube

Lee Geun said he ate and ran away from Muscat, and at the same time, he admitted that he owed his wages

He admitted that he had delayed payment of wages by Lee Geun-eun, and refuted the claim, asking if Musat’s eating and running makes sense

6 Lee Keun left the company and said that Muscat became difficult

Lee Geun said that the company should go bankrupt because it will be difficult for one employee to leave

7 Lee Keun said that all of Lee Keun’s income from Musat should go through Musat’s bank account, so let’s write a contract

He refused to do so and quit

8 If an employee goes out and it becomes difficult for the company, he/she can give more preferential treatment to the employee

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