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Fermat’s Secret Room Question, which requires you to get the answer in 3 minutes


Fermat's Secret Room Question, which requires you to get the answer in 3 minutes

image text translation

(1)You have a four-minute, seven-minute hourglass
(2)To use this hourglass to time 9 minutes
(3)What should I do

Fermat's Secret Room Question, which requires you to get the answer in 3 minutes

image text translation

(1)A student asked the teacher the age of your three daughters
(2)The teacher answered that if you multiply all three daughters’ ages by 36, you’ll get the address of your house number
(3)When the student said that the teacher was missing an explanation
(4)The oldest child answered that he had started playing the piano
(5)So how old are each of the three daughters

Fermat's Secret Room Question, which requires you to get the answer in 3 minutes

image text translation

(1)There are three opaque candy boxes in the candy store
(2)Each box contains mint candy anise candy mint anise mixed candy
(3)There is a candy type label on the box, but this label is all wrong
(4)Let’s check what’s inside the box and get a proper name tag
(5)To put it on
(6)How many times should I take out the candy at least

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