a book that kills you when you read it

a book that kills you when you read it

a book that kills you when you read it

image text translation

(2)This book is kept in the Wellcome Library in London
(3)It was written in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, more than 100 years ago
(4)It is dangerous enough to risk one’s life when reading this book
(5)The name of this book is Marie Curie’s research journal
(6)Contaminated with radium-226 with a half-life of 1600 years, this book is
(7)To read, you must wear special protective clothing in a dedicated reading room
(8)It is said that when you don’t read it, you keep it in a lead box
(9)Marie Curie Research Journal
(10)Contaminated with radium. If you watch it without protective clothing until 1600 years later, you’ll die

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