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Dr. Oh Eun-young said she wailed after hearing that she had only three months left of her life


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(1)The importance of children
(2)In 2008, I had surgery for colon cancer

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(1)- the preciousness of one’s child
(2)It’s been maintained for 13 years without a recurrence

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(1)The preciousness of a star child
(2)Doctors don’t get medical checkups

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(1)The Sound Child’s preciousness
(2)They are doctors who score zero as patients

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(1)The preciousness of a star child
(2)There are crazy doctors as patients

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(1)It’s hard to make time on weekdays

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(1)The preciousness of D.O. Star
(2)I was delaying the medical examination as well

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(1)The preciousness of Lee’s child
(2)For alumni at my alma mater’s hospital

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(1)The preciousness of Ra
(2)He said he’d check me up on Saturday

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(1)the preciousness of one’s own child
(2)When I heard the news, I went to the hospital

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(1)The preciousness of Ra
(2)And for some reason, I wanted to get it

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(1)The preciousness of D.O.STAR’s children
(2)I was undergoing abdominal ultrasound on the day of my check-up

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(1)The preciousness of Ra
(2)There’s a malignant tumor in the gallbladder

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(1)- The preciousness of Sora’s child
(2)We found a suspected malignant tumor

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(1)The preciousness of Ra
(2)Two days later, to the hospital

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(1)The Preciousness of Optia Three’s
(2)It’s a bad sign
(3)a senior doctor

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(1)The preciousness of Ra
(2)If it’s malignant

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(1)The preciousness of Ra
(2)You can live for 6 months

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(1)The preciousness of D.O. Star
(2)After hearing that, I’m scheduled for surgery on Wednesday

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(1)the preciousness of one’s own child
(2)I was hospitalized the day before the surgery

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(1)The preciousness of Sora’s child
(2)The rest of the checkups came out

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(1)The preciousness of D.O.STAR’s children
(2)Gallbladder tumor followed by colorectal cancer

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(1)The preciousness of Ladder’s Sora’s child
(2)Very serious condition if metastasis has progressed

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(1)The preciousness of Lee’s child
(2)If that’s the case, how much do you live

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(1)The preciousness of Ra
(2)gallbladder cancer colon cancer
(3)6 months and 3 months

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(1)The preciousness of a son of a son
(2)With the worst in mind

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(1)The preciousness of A’s child
(2)I’m going from the hospital room to the O.R

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(1)the preciousness of his son
(2)I went in crying

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(1)The preciousness of Ra
(2)On purpose, bravely
(3)Oh Eunyoung, the master of the world, is crying
(4)the head of the nursing department

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(1)the preciousness of one’s child
(2)The reason why teacher Oh Eunyoung cried

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(1)the preciousness of one’s own child
(2)My son’s face rises like the sun

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(1)- the preciousness of one’s child
(2)Any mom or dad would feel the same way

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(1)the preciousness of one’s own child
(2)I was in the 5th grade

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(1)- the preciousness of one’s child
(2)I should have played with you one more time. I should have gone to the amusement park one more time

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(1)The preciousness of Kadio Star’s son
(2)To think that I’m going to die
(3)All I can think about is my son

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(1)- the preciousness of one’s child

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(1)the preciousness of one’s own child
(2)I opened my eyes after the surgery

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(1)- the preciousness of one’s child
(2)The gallbladder tumor is benign

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(1)The preciousness of a radio star
(2)I’ll get out of the worst situation I’ve ever feared

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(1)A the importance of knowledge
(2)Even the news that colon cancer is in the early stages of colon cancer

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(1)the preciousness of the Greek child
(2)Those few days

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(1)the preciousness of one’s own child
(2)The time I experienced preparing for death

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(1)the preciousness of one’s child
(2)That’s when I realized the importance of my child

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(1)the preciousness of one’s own child
(2)Your relationship with your child is

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(1)the preciousness of one’s own child
(2)It’s over when I die

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(1)the preciousness of one’s own child
(2)And the preciousness of my life

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(1)- the preciousness of one’s child
(2)There were so many things I couldn’t do

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(1)The preciousness of Ra
(2)I’ve never decorated my nails before

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(1)The preciousness of Lee’s child
(2)It’s nice!
(3)I went to the nail salon right after I was discharged

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(1)the preciousness of one’s own child
(2)If it’s been 13 years, it’s fully recovered

Tests showed that the tumor was positive and it was in the early stages of colon cancer, so it ended well after surgery

It hasn’t been re-issued yet, and the thoughts of the child were crying, but it was an opportunity to be nicer to him up

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