I’ve been thinking about a half-and-half marriage

I've been thinking about a half-and-half marriage

image text translation

(1)I’ve been thinking about a half-and-half marriage
(2)I told you yesterday that I liked it
(4)Never thought deeply about a half-and-half marriage
(5)But you can get married half and half
(6)You brought it up first, so you tell me specifically. If you listen and add me
(7)We can coordinate
(8)Let’s pay half and half when we buy a house. I think 500 million won is a good house
(9)2. Let’s set a budget for the wedding and put it in one bank account and use it
(10)3 Let’s deposit half of the necessary money into the living expenses account every month and use it
(11)Let’s divide the housework by day of the week or take charge of each other’s better work
(12)Let’s do parenting together no matter what. I’ll think that I’m helping you even during your parental leave
(13)This is it for now
(14)Why is there no answer
(15)Newlywed House – Add 250 million won each and pay half of the tax and welfare expenses for buying a joint house
(16)Newlywed house wedding expenses – spend 10 million won each and solve it within 20 million won. Gift Heo Rye-shik Da X Turn over the marriage the moment one house demands
(17)Wedding ring – I don’t need it, the one who thinks it’s necessary is the one who buys it
(18)Wedding – I’ve long said that I want to replace the wedding by registering marriage and eating with close family members, but if you and your parents don’t like it, you and I will pay for the wedding. – If you don’t have to go, cooperation, half-payment, living expenses, 100 each
(19)We’re not having a wedding
(20)Why are we a conglomerate
(21)Wait. I’m writing
(22)I’m the only one who’s half responsible for the child, but I’m pregnant and struggling all 38 weeks. Half of the 24 hours a day I’m working on behalf of you, so if you calculate by money, you’ll be paid 10020 won X 12 hours X 266 won = 31983840 won, including the minimum weekly wage in 2019, in the middle of the year
(23)You’re not going to have a baby for me. I’m going to die alone, I’m going to have to wear a diaper for a few days, I’m going to have to breastfeed the baby, and you’re going to look at the baby, and you’re going to pay for the baby and postpartum care
(24)I’m going to use a sitter as soon as I have a baby, and if you and I don’t want to waste the money, I’ll give you half of the cost of a sitter. Even if you quit your job, you have to pay for 100 living expenses
(25)I don’t share the housework. I’ll send a robot to clean the laundry and other cleaning dinner every afternoon. I don’t eat breakfast anyway. If you don’t want to waste your helper’s money, take a bridal class before marriage and stay at home. I’ll give you half of the cost
(26)You’re asking for money when you have a baby
(27)I’m not going to pay for postpartum care because I’m doing it for you. Be honest. Think of the cost of childbirth as my child’s hospital and I’ll pay for it
(28)I don’t need a babysitter. Daycare centers are free these days!
(29)How much is it if you sing the lyrics like that
(30)Hey, wait. I’m still using it
(31)a question of the market price of one’s wife’s family
(32)Attend a congratulatory event up to six times a year, and if you have to spend money on your family, you pay for the housekeeper’s hourly wage and the other person stays and pays for the hours you work. Ask your parents for their birthdays
(33)a question of future property
(34)We’ll write a contract that we’ll never pay attention to the assets we receive from each other’s grandparents, get married, and don’t touch each other about the assets that increase after marriage, and if there’s enough money left in the living expenses, we’ll collect them and give them to the child
(35)If you’re going to do this, say you don’t want to do half and half lol
(36)If you want to get married, you can pay for it
(37)It’s your baby. I’ve been struggling alone for 10 months
(38)I’m not feeling well for the rest of my life without postpartum care, so if I’m sick over 40, you take care of me
(39)If you don’t have a child, you don’t have to do postpartum care, so if you don’t want to, don’t have a child^^
(40)You can go to a free kindergarten only when it’s your turn
(41)Helpers are 40,000 to 50,000 won for four hours a day, so it’s up to 150 won every day
(42)How come I don’t want to be half-and-half? What better half-and-half
(43)What you’re saying is not marriage, it’s a contract
(44)As soon as there’s a half-and-half condition, it’s natural to switch like a contract
(45)What’s not half and half of what I sent
(46)I just don’t like what you sent me
(47)You asked me to marry half and half, so I wrote down what I wanted to do, but I don’t like it
(48)It’s not a half-and-half problem lol I think what you sent is normal
(49)If you work at your own house, you pay the helper’s hourly wage. You’re the police officer
(50)I can see what kind of marriage you expected lol You can never collect it with your specs
(51)Understand the theme of the sun
(52)[Laughing] [Laughing] [Laughing]
(53)[Laughing] [Laughing] [Laughing]
(54)[Laughing] [Laughing] [Laughing]
(55)A woman who wants to get a job, 330 bucks a month, doesn’t meet a dirt spoon like you in the first place
(56)Making 330 won doesn’t make any sense
(57)That’s not what you’re going to say to me because you don’t get paid less than 300 lol
(58)I’m a 65-year-old lifetime job holder, and you never know when you’ll be unemployed
(59)I’m a contract worker, and I have an officetel that my mom bought me, and I get a monthly rent
(60)You know that, but why did you say that? My mom who spent money is sad. If you include the monthly rent, I will
(61)More than Denner
(62)I want to keep fighting
(63)Yeah, I’m glad to see you disparage your boyfriend’s family for three years as a dirt spoon
(64)I know what you think of me This is what you’ve been thinking all this is what you’ve been thinking
(65)I wonder why I didn’t know, but I endure it thinking it’s my fault, even with a guy like you
(66)I can’t see you anymore
(67)120,000 won for rose day
(68)3,000 won stick
(69)The hand cream set is 39,000 won
(70)500,000 won gift certificate as a birthday gift this year’
(71)The watch was 378,000 won. Last year’s Christmas gift for Christmas
(72)170,000 won for one person at the Il Hotel course
(73)Last year’s gift humidifier was 600,000 won
(74)300,000 won for a car
(75)190,000 won worth of Jakk Year’s Resmasking
(76)Dong, 220,000 won. Last year, I bought Junwoon
(77)180,000 won for my birthday last year
(78)Cosmetic set 300,000 won Jaejae 140,000 won for last year’s Christmas
(80)I don’t remember small things, but at least 20 times a year, even if it’s not a special day for you
(81)I wrote that I’ll give you a gift, so 600,000 won is added
(82)There’s no more
(83)But as we went back, why are you so insincere? I was spending 1,000 won
(84)I’ll calculate it to the ten won level and send it to you
(85)You spent 3768,000 won after meeting me for 3 years
(86)Thank you. I used it well, ate it well, and received it well
(87)Your heart for me is 376800 won a month!I’ve been remembered for the rest of my life
(88)I’ll do it. Thank you!
(89)This afternoon, 722
(90)I spent more than 10 million won including the usual date
(91)824 this afternoon
(92)I haven’t seen Pilates. I’m trying to get a job
(93)You’re right. You’re all right. You’re pure, so you sleep well
(94)Thanks to you, I gained 330,000 won for 3 years and happily
(95)I’ll be able to slaughter you


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