“I’m going to get pregnant at Korea University.”

"I'm going to get pregnant at Korea University."

image text translation

(1)Free bulletin board Korea University Seoul Campus
(2)What was ridiculous about today’s class
(3)How is it that only women are pregnant unequal
(4)The courage to raise your hand and talk about getting pregnant
(5)I don’t want to hear that in class
(6)Best Anonymous Writer
(7)You’re going to go through all those hardships in a mutual agreement But wouldn’t it be clear to describe it as being pregnant and even claim it
(8)Yoon Seok-yeol’s government for one year
(9)a year of freedom and solidarity
(10)I’m changing it with the people
(11)an anonymous writer
(12)It’s not the professor’s opinion, but the undergraduate student who participated in the class
(13)How can you do that with your body structure

"I'm going to get pregnant at Korea University."

image text translation

(1)Anonymous 22
(2)I don’t agree with the idea of ‘being pregnant’ is inequality and something, but that doesn’t mean it’s like this
(3)I don’t think Etta is going to turn it around. No matter how wrong you think someone’s opinion is, this is how it is
(4)It’s not like you’re a grown-up to respond. Just pass it on, thinking that he’s doing that’s doing
(5)Anonymous 23
(6)Write this in your diary. You don’t look mature, either, posting snipers where all the students from the same school are gathered


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