Confessing premarital pregnancy to my dad at 41

Confessing premarital pregnancy to my dad at 41

image text translation

(1)Blah blah. Yesterday, CJ
(2)I’m 41 years old. I’m pregnant before marriage
(3)I confessed over the phone
(4)As the title says, I was dating and working hard until I was 41 years old, and I suddenly became pregnant while dating my boyfriend who I met for four months, and about 40 hours passed since I found out on Sunday morning
(5)The process of accepting reality and finding coolness, I’ve been thinking a lot
(6)I told my parents that I was thinking about getting married, saying that I have someone in a relationship
(7)I was worried about how to start talking about whether I would be shocked or against it, but I did
(8)How long has it been
(9)I got a long message from my dad, and he thought about his daughter
(10)It’s too deep and I can’t understand it
(11)I’m so proud to be your daughter
(12)There’s a typo in between, but my lovely mom and dad
(13)Mom, I hope you get chemotherapy and I’ll be a good son
(14)You’re going to be a mother
(15)I’m so proud of him
(16)Please leave a comment
(17)I’m glad to hear that
(18)I was a little surprised
(19)I’m also puzzled^^
(20)When I calmed down
(21)I had a baby in my stomach
(22)You need to take care of your health
(23)one’s thoughts grow bigger
(24)You’re becoming a mother. ○○○
(25)You always think about your daughter
(26)I thought I would live alone, so I felt empty
(27)To welcome the new family
(28)I’m so happy to hear that. 99
(29)I’m worried about one penny~^^
(30)It’s not a worry
(31)I don’t know how to design it well
(32)I’m sure it’
(33)Daughter, yes, I respect your choice, and on the other hand
(34)I get to say thank you, too
(35)Let’s discuss it together
(36)I don’t care about my mom. I don’t care
(37)Make a good program
(38)Mom’s anti-cancer injections are supposed to control the schedule a little bit
(39)I can do it
(40)Saturday meals are served outside
(41)Let’s do that
(42)I think it’ll be chaotic with the kids^^
(43)I’ll look into the restaurant
(44)We talked on the phone
(45)Let’s watch Saturday together
(46)Anyway, the good news is that you’re getting married all at once
(47)Address expression ^^
(48)Let’s cheer up!!♡
(50)Thank you, dad


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