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the way the human brain processes waste


the way the human brain processes waste

image text translation

(1)All cells use nutrients as fuel
(2)Every cell produces waste as a byproduct
(3)This picture shows the lymphatic system of the human body
(4)The lymphatic system accepts proteins and other substances between the cells
(5)Put them in one place and throw them into the blood vessels
(6)Then the waste will be disposed of
(7)But if you look at this picture more closely
(8)You’re gonna find something weird
(9)You have lymphatic vessels in your brain
(10)You’ll find that there isn’t
(11)So how does the brain solve the problem of waste disposal
(12)There’s a large collection of clear cerebrospinal fluid in the brain
(13)This cerebrospinal fluid is the outside of the brain
(14)I’m filling up the space around me
(15)The internal waste in the brain is
(16)with external cerebrospinal fluid
(17)Let’s move
(18)This waste is dumped into the blood vessels
(19)It’s similar to the lymphatic system
(20)But the most surprising finding is that
(21)Only when your brain is sleeping
(22)It’s about getting up
(23)The moment your brain falls asleep
(24)Brain cells contract
(25)It expands the space between the cells
(26)That’s how the cerebrospinal fluid comes in
(27)You clean up the waste
(28)The video on the left is
(29)When the experimental mouse is awake
(30)It shows how much cerebrospinal fluid moves
(32)But the same experimental rat
(33)If you wait for your bedtime
(34)The cerebrospinal fluid is flowing into the brain
(35)You can see it
(36)The reason why this is fascinating is because
(37)No other body organs
(38)in this way
(39)It’s because they don’t clean up the waste in Posairent
(40)When your brain is awake
(41)The waste that’s going to be thrown away
(42)Leave it between cells
(43)And when your brain falls asleep
(44)Change to cleaning mode
(45)So, it’s the one that’s built up between the brain cells
(46)You’re going to clean up that day’s waste
(47)But people with Alzheimer’s disease
(48)If the amyloid builds up between the brain cells, beta
(49)It needs to be cleaned
(50)neglecting one’s duty
(51)This neglected beta-amyloid
(52)The important thing about this terrible disease
(53)It’s known to be the cause of the outbreak
(54)If you’re in the kitchen
(55)If you leave it for a month
(56)I’ll be a human in a flash
(57)an uninhabitable place
(58)In the case of the brain, it’s like this
(59)As a result of neglect
(60)It’s dirty, it’s embarrassing
(61)It’s so big that you can’
(62)Because cleaning the brain
(63)Our physical and mental health
(64)Because it’s a functional problem
(65)Yes, Hyunseo Jae-Basic
(66)To understand the housework
(67)It may play a crucial role in preventing and treating the diseasetomorrow
(68)It’s not clean that if you turn on the light when you sleep, your brain recognizes the light and can’t sleep
(69)That’s why I’m talking to you


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