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Driving drunk with 6 Jeju Geha guests on board…The End of the Death Race


Driving drunk with 6 Jeju Geha guests on board...The End of the Death Race

image text translation

(1)Follow J JoongAng Ilbo
(2)The end of the drunk driving death with six Jeju Geha guests on board
(3)Reporter Lee Soo-min’s story 1 hour ago
(4)A man in his 20s who killed and injured six people while speeding a rental car while drunk has been sentenced to seven years in prisonAt that time, a five-seater vehicle driven by a man in his 20s was driven by seven people, including him, which caused more damage
(6)NO ENTRY-POLICE LINE-In investigation POLICE LINE-In investigation
(7)At around 3:38 a.m. on July 20 last year, a Sonata rental car overturned on a coastal road in Gonae-ri, Aewol-eup, Jeju-si, killing three people and seriously injuring four others News 1
(8)Provided by JoongAng Ilbo
(9)At around 3:38 a.m. on July 20 last year, a Sonata rental car overturned on a coastal road in Gonae-ri, Aewol-eup, Jeju-si, killing three people and seriously injuring four others News 1
(10)Judge Kang Ran-ju of the Jeju District Court sentenced A 26, who was arrested and indicted on charges of dangerous driving death in violation of the Act on the Aggravated Punishment, etc. of Specific Crimes, to seven years in prison on the afternoon of the 10th
(11)Earlier on July 20 last year, A hit the rock on the right side of the road while driving a rental car on Aewol Coastal Road, Aewol-eup, Jeju-si at around 3:38 a.m
(12)At that time, A’s blood alcohol concentration was 0110, which was the level of revocation of his license He was found to have caused an accident while traveling around a sharp curve at a speed of 105 kilometers per hour, far exceeding the 50 kilometers limit
(13)In the accident, three people, including two men in the back seat of the rental car and one woman in the passenger seat, were killed, and four people, including one man and two women, were injured They were all in their twenties
(14)According to the investigation, all six except A were tourists, and A met at a guest house in Jeju, where A worked as a manager, and left together
(15)Mr. A is also suspected of fraud, which costs tens of millions of won
(16)”In light of the damage results, the defendant’s guilt is quite heavy,” the court said. “In addition, the sentence was decided in consideration of the fact that the defendant did not recover from any damage while making an unconvincing excuse for the fraud charges.”


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