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18-year-old high school student life is worse than hell


18-year-old high school student life is worse than hell

image text translation

(1)16 years that was like hell
(2)Report on Kakao Talk MBC
(3)Adopted at a daycare center when I was two years old
(4)Adopted by the head couple of daycare centers at the age of 2
(5)”He discriminated against me and my brother
(6)My younger brother was neat, but I was messy
(7)I couldn’t sit at the table
(8)I ate the leftovers on the floor
(9)When I didn’t go to school, I stayed at home
(10)I had to do housework
(11)If you don’t do what you’re told to do
(12)I didn’t sleep, I hit him, I locked him up
(13)”When other family members go out, I go to the bathroom
(14)I locked him up and left
(15)I don’t know why they locked him up
(16)Reported by MBC
(17)When I was 8 years old, my neighbors called the police
(18)He suddenly washed me and changed my clothes
(19)I’ve never read a book before
(20)My adoptive parents gave me comic books
(21)I told him to go and read it
(22)Kakao Talk ID MBC report
(23)The police inform the adoptive parents in advance
(24)a medical record
(25)Child Protection Agency Visits… a poor investigation
(26)Asking in the street where my stepmother hears
(27)”I was scared, so I did what my mom told me to do
(28)He said he hurt himself playing
(29)If most people are afraid, they’ll listen to it
(30)I experienced myself not being able to talk about the situation
(31)No, I don’t even want to remember
(32)Those who didn’t find the problem
(33)I just went and my daily life
(34)It’s back to square one
(35)He doesn’t know where he is even if he’s absent for a long time
(36)”My parents didn’t send me to school
(37)Rather, I don’t want to cause problems and send them away
(38)That’s what I said
(39)My adoptive parents falsely registered me as an intellectually disabled person
(40)Falsely registered disabled at 14
(41)It’s not like you’re going to make eye contact with the doctor, and you’re going to make a picture that repeats the sound
(44)I forced myself to do soa strange reel
(45)”In the name of the subtitle, my mother-in-law is a lover, including various reduction and discount benefits
(47)He couldn’t stand the assault and tried to escape at the age
(48)”It’s only going to happen when it’says Chal
(49)I took care of your earsHow can I live with a smile
(50)Sangwook, of course, when you come back home, your room is dark
(51)the texture of one’s hands and feet
(52)I was locked up in a warehouse
(53)If you feel comfortable or don’t feel like you’re going to leave
(55)I made him do the housework again
(56)Kakao Talk ID MBC report
(57)Parents who think they shouldn’t just leave it at home work and exploit it
(58)”Once, I had to give all the money to my parentsI thought I should do it slowly, but I just got to work while I was doing part-time jobs such as attaching wet distributions
(59)It opens at the right now
(61)At a restaurant
(62)”One day, when I came back from work
(63)I misunderstood. That’s why the location tracking app was taken somewhere else because of a malfunctionI’m almost there
(65)I was wearing half-and-half pants and my arm broke. I thought I might die
(67)That’s what I thought
(68)I reported it at the age of 18 with the help of the restaurant owner
(69)The Supreme Court sentenced to six months in prison, suspended for two years


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