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People I met in my 20s as a chauffeur


People I met in my 20s as a chauffeur

image text translation

(1)I’m a college student who runs a chauffeur service in Busan, and if you do
(2)You meet people with a lot of money, from people to people with a lot of money
(3)I’m going to talk about the most memorable person
(4)1 Soldier
(5)Laita was an Air Force lieutenant colonel
(6)Helicopter maintenance
(7)But Ray’s engine was gelling
(8)I’m not that tall. What’s wrong with my car
(9)Son Ah-ah got a car from a master who knew me, but this man put aviation oil in the car to save the price of gas, so this is how the car is
(10)What happened to my house
(11)I was punished for getting caught in that and gave it to me because I didn’t want to see the car
(12)I [Laughing] [Laughing]
(13)Press the 2nd clock
(14)It’s not a good car, so taxis get stuck in it
(15)Almost had an accident
(16)Press the clock on driver Son’s
(17)”Yum yum!”
(18)What is this
(19)I’ve got a big truck with a clock
(20)If you wear this, it’ll be Moses’ miracle[Laughing]
(21)a female office worker
(22)What are you doing during the day
(23)I’m looking for a jobHaha
(24)The first company is important Don’t be scared and lower your target like I am
(25)I’ll regret it a lot
(26)What do you do at work
(27)It’s not fun
(28)A magical ticket to move to a company you want
(29)If so, where would you go
(30)Why do you ask me that? I’m going to google itK
(31)4 Reunion Prizes Winner
(32)I hear a whimper behind me
(33)Something’s wrong with me
(34)I got on the air purifier as the winner of the grand prize
(35)I paid more for the drinks
(37)And he kept sniffling in the back until he got there
(38)5 bus driver
(39)Knows the way better than I do
(40)He perfectly explains how to do it
(41)Traffic lights owned by the top 1 taxi and chauffeur
(42)He had the ability to read the flow
(43)Son, I drove a bus in Busan for 40 years to where I wanted to go
(44)Yes, yes
(45)Put on some Excel from now on
(46)I’m Neb. I’m passing the signal
(47)There are a lot of crazy taxis at the intersection, so slow down
(48)Two taxis passed at 100 per hour as soon as I finished talking
(49)Arriving 20 minutes from Haeundae to Mangmi in 10 minutes without speeding
(50)6 Former Prisoner of War
(51)A customer brags and says let’s go to thought
(52)for a reason
(53)① I lent my friend 2,000 won for business expenses
(54)② Eat and jam
(55)③ He appeared after 3 months, and no matter how much he ate, he ran away
(56)Why are you mad at your age? If you have any complaints, let’s just do it
(57)④Okay, I’m going
(58)This person’s way of speaking seems to be very manly
(59)I can feel the energy in the conversation
(60)It’s a driver’s license test for prisoners in Algobo prison
(61)a former prison guard who taught
(62)It’s a long way to go. Let’s talk about the past
(63)I wasn’t scared of prisoners
(64)Son ○○ Prisoners, it’s not a big deal. Prisoners want this the most
(65)Driver’s license. That’s why you’re so polite to me
(66)I need to be strongdegree
(67)My family members have been very proud of me
(68)There were several generals
(69)I’m a good prisoner
(70)You want me to tell you how to deal with crime
(71)Son Gyeongsang-do prisoners are sent to Jeolla-do bread, and Jeolla-do prisoners are sent to Jeolla-do
(72)The most feared of prisoners in Gyeongsang-do bread
(73)Prisoners work among the common people. They work among themselves
(74)If you think you’re being a bit of a flirtatious, you’re in the same class
(75)Arrival at destination
(76)I hope your hands are clear
(77)Don’t kill me for realㅠ
(78)Let’s run for a second
(79)I went up to the building in front of me and came down in 10 minutes
(80)My hands are locked. Let’s go home again
(81)Double call, honey
(82)Beep beep beep beep beep beep beep
(83)Where are you? Did you lock the door
(84)I don’t know when you came, but I told your brother to do it
(85)You’re a handmaiden, and you’re coming to my house
(86)Führer, you’re here!
(87)You asked me to come for more than 10 minutes and then I said let’d go
(88)In conclusion, I’m going to drink and wake up tomorrow
(89)On the other hand, I thought I’d see a well-boiled sauté
(90)7 Mercedes-Benz S-Kletting CEO
(91)They gave me 50,000 won for tips that hurt their hearts
(92)What kind of shipping company
(93)I lived in a luxury apartment called W in Yongho-dong
(94)”Do whatever you want and work.”
(95)Listen, son, if it were like this, I’d be
(96)Elbeka held my hand and I was a bit flustered
(97)8 A middle-aged man
(98)He bought me coffee before, so I’ll say hello first
(99)only occasionally
(100)And then he said, “I’m welcoming you.”
(101)It’s called “Senbo-go-Joong-Ham”
(102)But now that you’re getting married, you’re a girl
(103)It is said that it is difficult to find a marriage partner because of the difficulty of rolling
(104)If it’s natural for a man or a woman to see the conditions when they’re older
(105)I was so busy because I was young
(106)It’s too bad
(107)Grandeur IG, a Korean office worker in his 940s
(108)This 4 is 0 Daehan Ebun
(109)The reason why I became a late Nahan was because I couldn’t do internal politics
(110)Missing promotion
(111)There are no family members to save, so 38-year-old Rat Tail Myeon University has 800 degrees of resentment
(112)reduction of labor
(113)For five years, don’t get ready. Do it 900 times
(114)Like stock wealth or Han Dongsan, it’s hard to be respectful
(115)It’s amazing. It’s bitter.k.a.k.a bitter taste
(116)I thought about the reason
(117)When I work, I feel like I’m eating sweet things
(118)He’s talking down to his patients
(119)Other doctors are arrogant
(120)That’s why I think it’s easy to get sickTooth
(121)In the country, he has experienced his own know-how and respect
(122)It’s better if you’re good at it
(123)I’m not getting any more money
(124)When the department started, I didn’t know what to do on page 1
(125)I thought of my children’s faces and said, “That’s enough”
(126)If you ride 10M5, you’re a wire master
(127)I was a prayer when I was a kid
(128)His 25-year-old wife ran away from him a few times because she was a high school graduate and unlicensed driver’
(129)I’m eating a few crabs now
(130)I did it when you were biting me
(131)I went to see my son, too. He ignored meShare the box, too
(132)I can’t say that there are many people who invited me for a short distance
(133)Whatever you do, you can do anything. Let’s cheer up
(134)Ten thousand won for tip five
(135)An old man who goes after his son
(136)Excuse me
(137)The number of children born was decreasing
(138)”I went to a sushi restaurant and my son, Hak, rode on Gallo Ham.”
(139)I heard that you went to the PC room and went to catch you
(140)It’s called a road
(141)12 Centum Doctor
(142)I told him how to get rich while riding Mercedes-Benz Scl AMG, and he said it would not be helpful from the beginningI won’t charge you for anything that’s not legal
(143)He asked me if I could, and I went to talk about him
(144)the base of a veterinary surgeon
(145)a deep-seated word
(146)I don’t know. I’ll give you 100,000 won
(147)13 Bentley-jis driving and legging-jis
(148)I didn’t meet the Lord, but an old man who rode the old Sonata
(149)I want to give a big bow to Bentley Mole House, no tax
(150)Changju-Jisun is amazing
(152)Maintenance grants are also on fire at the door
(153)a clear conscience
(154)Because of the good image of mountain and religious people, the tax audit is well done
(155)He doesn’t answer
(156)When you pick a new owner, there’s a gang fight with gangsters
(157)Porsche Panamera in her 20s Becomes 10 Billion Assets With Her Own Hands
(158)Summary of this person, at the age of 20, he/she knows his/her family’s Pungbi, a collection of capital, Pyeondori Saseo Sucha-ri Farm, Lee Hae-seo
(160)in the background
(161)5th grade. Repeat 000 times
(162)The amount of money that I’m raising several buildings in Busan
(163)He picked it up. What did he do? He found the agent in me. He thought about going against the way he blamed me
(164)I didn’t blame my parents for anything
(165)in a friendly manner
(166)Let’s say hello to them for the execution box or proxy fee. Buy cheap and buy some cosmetics in Seoul for KRW 20 billion. The company offers a fraudulent business. There are a lot of people who sell fruit wholesale or rice cabbage aggressively
(167)Please tell me if you got it. It’s 100 million won
(168)Ram 5
(169)Monthly wage 1
(170)ten billion in sums
(171)5 billion kk
(172)To be honest, I was young and sorry for riding a Porsche I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. Some good golden spoonies sleep with someone who’s mean
(173)You’re playing with a girl inside
(174)I’m worried, so I’m thankful for others
(175)Come on
(177)15 Macau M5 Nights
(178)Driver, the person I just walked you to is an amazing person
(179)I’m a young lamb. I’m 27 years old I’m 2
(180)I won 500 million won in a game in Black Macau. LOL
(181)Accident, car accident. LOL Even if I get drunk, I’m blind
(182)the latter generation
(183)It was shining. You’re working so hard
(185)What did I do? I’ve been miserable all this time
(186)What did I do? I didn’t even know my friends and I was begging them, but now I’m an M5 hitter. I’m Yogeson, but I’m a part-timer, so I’m a student. Why
(187)A company that I can do when I get a job
(188)I want to die
(189)I studied in the library for two years
(190)a genus of Culdi
(191)Because time is more precious than money to increase my value. Ahn Ham-ler, who took part in the construction of interior, started working well, but the movie directors were invested in me for a day in the gold new world, so I think I’m curious to find some drinks
(192)I got hit
(195)Find 3 million and save it
(196)Oh, my
(198)Yes, when I’m sober, I give it to you
(199)Since it’s a friend’
(200)I called you last time, but you didn’t remember
(201)I don’t think there will be any more writing, so if you go around at night, you meet all kinds of people and listen to them. I think you change by TV
(202)a long day


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