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Japan, which desperately blocked the release 30 years ago, is now fine



Japan says it’s okay to purify and dilute contaminated water, but 30 years ago, Russia was in a different position When Russia tried to dump nuclear waste into the sea, it even revised international agreements to prevent it

Japan, which desperately blocked the release 30 years ago, is now fine

image text translation

(1)Japan, which prevented the release of the water
(2)Strong opposition at the time of work…Leading the Convention on the Prevention of Waste Disposal

Japan, which desperately blocked the release 30 years ago, is now fine

image text translation

(1)Japan, which prevented the release of the water
(2)Sean Bernie, Greenpeace Senior Nuclear Specialist
(3)Given that Japan funded Russia to have its own cleanup facility instead of marine speculation at the time, this decision is a double standard hypocrisy


Japan, which desperately blocked the release 30 years ago, is now fine

Japan says it’s okay to purify and dilute contaminated water, but 30 years ago, Russia was in a different position When Russia tried to dump nuclear waste into the sea, it even revised international agreements to prevent it Next, reporter Park Sangwook


Turns out it’s all over the place in radioactive contaminated water…During the Chernobyl accident, Japan

News Desk ◀ Anchor ▶ Transparent disclosure of nuclear accident information The sea is not a radioactive waste site. I wonder if it’s about contaminated water at the Fukushima nuclear power plant, but it’s actually what Japan shouted to other countries 230 years ago different


Japan’s internal standards of southern France have been revealed again

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