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the once controversial university naming culture


the once controversial university naming culture

image text translation

(1)Lee Seung-jin, a student at University A in Seoul, is named Choi
(2)I had an absurd experience while working on a group project for a recent liberal arts subject. As the same member, a junior in the class of 2018, called Seung-jin, Mr. Dai was embarrassed when he heard the name of Mr. ~ from his freshman junior, a freshman
(3)Lee said, “I asked my juniors in 2018 because I was confused whether the world had changed or if I was a young old man,” adding, “The juniors are all adults now, so they don’t call me senior, brother, or brother, and call me Mr. OO.” He also revealed that not only our school but also most of the nearby universities are similar
(4)a culture called ‘ssi’ to one’s seniors in college
(5)There is a problem
(6)There is no problem.
(7)33 votes, 516
(8)calling someone’s family name to a college senior


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