It’s too business-S-Partner jpg

It's too business-S-Partner jpg

image text translation

(1)I have a meal partner
(2)It’s not a friend or a lover
(3)There are restaurants where you can’t go alone. For example, a family restaurant, a buffet, or a famous restaurant
(4)I have a partner who pretends to be my boyfriend. Of course, I pretend to be my girlfriend when my partner wants me to
(5)I rarely talk about personal things
(6)I’m keeping it in a business relationship, and I don’t talk much at the restaurant, and I don’t pay for it by myself, but I pay for what I ate thoroughly
(7)I don’t have any friends to go to such a place with, so I like this partnership very much
(8)But what about the guy? He’s still in business, and he’s never had any personal contact with me. Does this partner think the same as me
(9)Suddenly, I thought that I was going to build up something to do with my partner
(10)This relationship lasted about a year. The meals together are irregular
(11)But I live in the same neighborhood at least once a week
(12)Does he think of this purely as a meal partnership
(13)Or do I have a dark heart


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