A loud voice who thinks only his child is precious. The owner who met his mother

A loud voice who thinks only his child is precious. The owner who met his mother

image text translation

(1)Details of the incident
(2)I’m a person who values my time very much, so I don’t really care about the reason or cause
(3)It was just a conclusion and a solution, so I didn’t check the CCTV, and I didn’t ask about the accident process or cause But ^^
(4)A lot of people were curious and curious about something weird
(5)The video quality of the CCTV is so bad and the angle is slanted
(6)It was a long stick, and there was something at the end
(7)The manager asked if it was a broom in the yard or a wooden bundle
(8)It was a snow shovel made of snow
(9)The parking lot was outdoors and owned by the parking lot
(10)He ran around with this on his shoulder Of course, one side is radish
(11)I missed it and scratched it
(12)The staff didn’t witness the scene
(13)A parking lot user witnessed the situation as he left the car and called the unmanned settlement office to inform him
(14)It was a staff member from somewhere else nearby
(15)Contact the perpetrator after the accident
(16)I’ve only received the perpetrator’s contact information, and I don’t contact them separately
(17)I didn’t
(18)I got a lot of missed calls this afternoon
(19)I woke up late and slept late, so I couldn’t get it
(20)I didn’t call you until this afternoon
(21)It was her husband
(22)I think he went to the scene of the accident, checked the damage, checked the contact information, and called
(23)There are a lot of meaningless words repeatedly, so I’ll write it down briefly
(24)I kept asking you to hang up if the call got too long and you didn’t have anything to say
(25)Continuously… Ah… You don’t say it, but you keep repeating it
(26)So I was a bit annoyed and a lot of people left comments
(27)I read them all, so I ended up getting mad
(28)My husband keeps sighing and saying sorry
(29)He asked me how it wouldn’t turn out well
(30)I didn’t ask you to take care of yourself. Your spouse
(31)They told me to do this, so I just did it
(32)The car was taken to the garage, and the truck was supposed to be taken
(33)My husband is suffering from postpartum depression
(34)That’s why
(35)You didn’t look that depressed. What you wanted
(36)He told me exactly and delivered it
(37)My husband sent it to me at first, so I really ask you to let it slide
(38)At first, he did it because it was a problem between a child and me as an adult, but now it’s an adult and an adult’s business, so I can’t do that
(39)My husband knows a glossy house, so can’t we go there? I’ll fix it all
(40)You’re going to take care of your insurance
(41)It’s crushed because Bonnet and Penda are in a barrel, so aluminum sheet metal
(42)Move back to a garage with equipment or open directly on Monday
(43)I’ll try rocking it and send it
(44)My husband doesn’t have insurance and it’s so hard to live I’m on my own
(45)I have to move to a new place. Please
(46)There’s no one who’s easy to live for himself. I don’t want to waste my time and emotions, so please stop hanging up
(47)I want to talk to my husband I want to apologize He wants you to take a look at him. He knows everything about his situation and his spouse’s behavior
(48)Ask me again today and listen carefully
(49)That’s how the call ended
(50)The first place I was shocked was filmed and there was a dent
(51)At the repair shop
(52)Bonnet Fenda is all-in-one aluminum, so I recommend you to use the dent
(53)Everyone is telling me not to
(54)It’s a 3,000-kilogram car, so putting on putty and denting isn’t good either
(55)Move it to a place with high aluminium sheet metal equipment
(56)We’re moving to Woody Direct on Monday
(57)I don’t know the estimate of the repair processI
(58)My lawyer friend sent me to exchange Bonnet and get a rental
(59)They said I can claim the right to pay for insurance
(60)I don’t know if he’s right. I believe he’s a divorce lawyer
(61)Oh, and you told me a lot about securing CCTV evidence
(62)It’s hard for me to do it myself and there are a lot of things I don’t know
(63)I met the police
(64)Next time, I’ll upload the progress in a ^^ way
(65)From the Web
(66)of the Central Police Department
(67)It’s been assigned to the investigator


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