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Food that you need to eat after exercising, but you don’t eat it often


Food that you need to eat after exercising, but you don't eat it often

image text translation

(1)In this video, for muscle growth after working out
(2)Let’s take a look at the foods that you must eat
(3)Normally, if you don’t work out and eat protein at the gym
(4)I feel like I won’t be able to build muscles
(5)But for protein, not right after exercise
(6)If you meet your daily intake for a day
(7)Protein is always flowing in my body
(8)Even if you don’t drink protein right after exercising
(9)It doesn’t affect my muscle growth
(10)But unlike protein, if you work out, you run out right away
(11)There’s a nutrient that needs to be refilled right away
(12)Muscle Analysis by Region
(13)Cell-to-Water Ratio Analysis
(14)Picture, picture
(15)As you all know, if you take a body composition test
(16)Body composition analysis Body Composition Analysis
(17)Muscles are made up of protein and water
(18)After exercising, you run out of moisture
(19)The moisture isn’t just flowing in the muscles
(20)It’s stored in the muscle in the form of glycogen
(21)glycogen carbohydrate
(22)Glycogen is produced when you break down carbohydrates
(24)It’s made up of glucose and water
(25)So what you need to fill in right after exercising is
(26)Rather than the protein that’s flowing in your body
(27)Glucose, the ingredient of glycogen, which is just used
(28)So you need to eat carbs
(29)If you don’t eat carbs for 2 hours after exercising
(30)Glycogen’s resynthesis rate drops to 50
(31)Therefore, in order to maximize the depleted glycogen, which is part of the muscle
(32)You need to eat carbs as quickly as possible right after exercising
(33)How much carbs you need to eat
(34)Combined carbohydrates
(35)Complex carbohydrates such as potatoes and rice
(36)It is recommended that you take 1-15g per kilogram
(37)For example, if you weigh 80kg
(38)It’s about 80 to 120 grams of carbohydrates
(39)carbohydrate protein
(40)Additionally, if you eat protein at a ratio of 31 to carbohydrates
(41)It is said that glycogen can be resynthetic more effectively
(42)So right after exercising, 80g of complex carbohydrates
(43)I think it’d be good to eat 26g of protein together
(44)I hope that there’s no one who measures it like this and eats it like this


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