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Actually, the reason why the professor who is not interested in soccer interpreted Kim Minjae is


Actually, the reason why the professor who is not interested in soccer interpreted Kim Minjae is

image text translation

(1)Professor, please introduce yourself
(2)Hello, I’m from the University of Naples Orientale
(3)I’m teaching Korean
(4)I’m Andrea de Benedictis!
(5)Professor Kim Min-jae is famous as an interpreter
(6)How did you translate when Kim Minjae first came
(7)I happened to do it
(8)I’m not interested in soccer
(9)I wasn’t going to do it
(10)My family said I’d die if I didn’t do this [Laughing]
(11)He’s from Tongyeong
(12)I heard that you’re speaking in a really bad dialect
(13)The press conference is so quiet
(14)Fortunately, you spoke in standard language well
(15)But a lot of yam
(16)You look a lot like him Lol
(17)Recognition of a close-up shot expert lol Minjae
(18)Defense Department Alutan Aust
(19)We’re done with the photoshoot

If your family doesn’t do it, you’ll die

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