the day the racehorse was defeated

the day the racehorse was defeated

image text translation

(1)Hong Kong was a commonwealth and it was British territory for a long time
(2)I like lunge and horse racing
(3)Retired outstanding racehorses usually spend a comfortable retirement at racehorses in Australia because of their small land in Hong Kong and lack of room to build a ranch
(4)The name of this racehorse is Golden Sexti, Chinese characters, and the name is Geumchang60

the day the racehorse was defeated

image text translation

(1)The Hong Kong tycoon, Geumchang 60 is an outstanding racehorse
(2)I tend to win most games. I’m a racehorse with 25 wins in 29 games
(3)But there are quite a few racehorses who say that they are upset when they lose to perfectionism and that they are upset when they return to the stable because they know they are stars
(4)If I lose, I’m crying and eating carrots. I can’t cry because of my face in the stadium. I’m crying after coming back to the stable. But I have to eat carrots
(5)I’m confident on the day I win!
(6)Ask him to act cute and ask for a carrot
(7)They say they care about each other. That’s a nice race
(8)It’s inevitable

the day the racehorse was defeated

image text translation

(1)A landslide victory that can be described as a new history of Hong Kong racehorses
(2)I ate a lot of carrots afterwards box
(3)Carrots without tears taste better Yum yum

I can’t stand carrots

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