It’s self-defense vs. No, it’s over-suppression

It's self-defense vs. No, it's over-suppression

image text translation

(1)I mean, even when I was playing the game
(2)I’m going through it. 54
(3)a neighborhood daughter-in-law
(4)Search for Avatar Ziggle ⓐ
(5)Written 2023-04-06 230430
(6)Move 2023-04-0763749
(7)Recommendation 391 Opposite 0 Reply 54 Inquiry 31699
(8)Jeju Olae Noodles
(9)Short URL
(10)More information on national restaurants
(11)We just played a game called Ready or Not, which is like swat4 where we subdue suspects and rescue hostages
(12)She didn’t listen to the surrender order, so I tried to get close to her and subdue her, but she suddenly punched me
(13)He was embarrassed and pulled out a pistol and shot to death, but the mission failed, saying that he used excessive force
(14)If the lady who punches the heavily armed swat was crazy or if her fists were spicy, would my vision turn red like a gun shot

It's self-defense vs. No, it's over-suppression

image text translation

(1)The alter ego 2023-04-06 230505
(2)Sibal, then you’re the suspect [Laughing] [Laughing]
(3)No, the lady gave me the first punch
(4)Recommendation – Report the opposite
(5)Comgong and Slave 2023-04-06 230524
(6)throw a gun at someone for punching him
(7)Comgong and Slave 2023-04-06 230606
(8)Wait a minute. We have to get the hostages out. You can’t kill them
(9)The neighborhood daughter-in-law 2023-04-06 230618
(10)My fists were so hot
(11)I’m against the recommendation. I’ll report it
(12)The neighborhood daughter-in-law 2023-04-06 230634
(13)No, it’s the citizens who attack the police

It's self-defense vs. No, it's over-suppression

image text translation

(1)Just looking at the text, isn’t this crazy lol
(2)After seeing the in-game clip, Y’s country will be surprised and shoot
(3)I don’t like it. 222101 2305032359
(4)I was wondering how spicy it was [Laughing]
(5)That was a long way to go
(6)Harumaru 121149 230504 0002


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