image text translation
(1)McKinsey and Company
(2)McKinsey & Company, founded in 1926 by professor McKinsey and his colleagues at the University of Chicago, is a notoriously difficult company that only gives graduates of the world’s top universities the opportunity and is known as the first management consultancy to hire only those with master’s or doctorate degrees
(3)McKinsey has more than 110 branches around the world, and the Seoul branch holds a job briefing for graduates of Seoul National University, Korea University, Yonsei University, and KAIST, and after passing the document, it must take a written test to pass up to eight interviews
(4)The Seoul branch supports about 1,000 new employees every year to recruit 5 to 10 new employees, and the starting salary for undergraduates who passed through this difficult process is estimated to be around 150 million won before tax. McKinsey does not disclose official wages
(5)McKinsey’s main clientele is a collection of super elites
(6)President Macron of France
(7)Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trido
(8)AmorePacific Corporation
(9)Republic of Korea Armed Forces
(10)LG Electronics Co., Ltd
(11)Seo Dong-wook and McKinsey of the group exhibition, which is famous for their background and Korean ballad memories in the 90s
The representative starting point that follows the sluggishness of LG Electronics’ smartphones did not enter the market in time It’s already well known that McKinsey, who was in charge of business consulting, issued a report to focus on feature phones rather than smartphones