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It’s advice for unmarried people to get married


It's advice for unmarried people to get married

image text translation

(1)To say a word to unmarried juniors
(2)Even if you’re blind to love because you’re my ideal type
(3)You have to wake up just once and objectively determine whether your woman is someone you can go with for the rest of your life
(4)Living together for the rest of your life is less than 10 degrees of importance in appearance. If you are nice and kind, you look really pretty in marriage
(5)Even if you look like Kim Tae-hee, if you don’t have a good personality, can’t live, can’t respect adults, and don’t care, you really don’t want to see her and talk to her
(6)A lot of guys don’t realize this. No matter how pretty you look and how fit you are, you start seeing the bad parts
(7)You don’t even want to see your hair. That’s what a couple is
(8)I’ve seen a lot of sad guys whose lives are ruined because they can’t do this simple thing
(9)Even after 16 years of studying, most people don’t know this
(10)Even if I go to a good university and get a good job, I don’t have an eye for women, so I live a life dog
(11)You get robbed, you get stressed out all your life, and you live because of your child
(12)There are a lot of guys who are sad
(13)Rather, meeting a good girl even if you can’t learn is a high quality of life and happiness
(14)Raise your eyes for women. Don’t let your life be dominated by a joke. Call 1022217011705
(15)That’s a nice thing to say


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