Shuka World predicted Luna’s plunge a day ago

Shuka World predicted Luna's plunge a day ago

image text translation

(1)I couldn’t make the demand for Miran’s coin
(2)the main show
(3)If the sell-off is concentrated for an instant, the system is in danger
(4)Only those who came in first benefited
(5)→ So, if you do something wrong, there’s a risk that you can fall into Ponzi scheme
(6)On my personal broadcast
(7)Shuka foretold a huge collapse of the coin
(8)Source: YouTube Shuka World

Shuka World predicted Luna's plunge a day ago

image text translation

(1)in a matter of days
(2)That’s what happened

Shuka World predicted Luna's plunge a day ago

image text translation

(1)After Sunday’s broadcast, it plunged the next day

Shuka World predicted Luna's plunge a day ago

image text translation

(1)A radio star.
(2)I’m here on a pilgrimage to Shuka, who forewarned the danger of saving people just before hell came, three days before the 99 drop in the day

Shuka World predicted Luna's plunge a day ago

image text translation

(1)A radio star.
(2)an economic expert
(3)A-Moon Cryptocurrency Market

Shuka World predicted Luna's plunge a day ago

image text translation

(1)A radio star.
(2)Before coming to the market, I organized my own

Shuka World predicted Luna's plunge a day ago

image text translation

(1)A radio star.
(2)There are times when there’s no Yoon in life

Shuka World predicted Luna's plunge a day ago

image text translation

(1)A radio star.
(2)an economic expert who couldn’t save himself

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