Recent state of labor shortages in the shipbuilding industry
image text translation
(1)”I’ve secured three years’ worth of work, but there’s no one to workthe government shipbuilding industry
(2)Jan 9 2023 – South Korea’s shipbuilding industry is in great trouble due to the worsening manpower shortage, although its order performance is showing strong performance. A company official said, “Our shipbuilding industry has recently
(3)The eyes of the economy are on the manpower shortage of the K-shipbuilding industry, which accounts for 37 parts of the world
(4)Feb 9 2023 – There are many reasons for the shortage of manpower, and the shipbuilding industry is often reluctant to work in the provinces for young workers who left during the shipbuilding recession in the past
(5)K Shipbuilding has secured 37 global orders, but 140,000 people are short of manpower
(6)FEB 3 2023 – SALES IN SHIPPING INCREASED TO CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS In fact, since last year, there have been signs that sales have been decreasing in earnest due to process delays due to lack of manpower
(7)Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering Co., Ltd. continues to suffer losses due to a shortage of manpower
(8)Mar 6 2023 – Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering 042660 continues its deficit trend due to a significant increase in costs due to a shortage of shipbuilders It’s not like we’re hiring more people and supplying blocks to our partners
(9)Job shortage in shipbuilding industry since last year
(10)Workers who had already left for the Pyeongtaek semiconductor construction industry did not return to shipbuilding anymore, and there was a lot of hatred for the subcontractor shipbuilding industry, which is the lowest hourly wage in community opinion
(11)I thought that the lack of supply manpower would attract workers with various welfare benefits to improve treatment
(12)Ministry of Employment and Labor News
(13)New quota of 5,000 people for employment permit system exclusively for shipbuilding industry
(14)○ Copying the URL 32 minutes before the Ministry of Employment and Labor
(15)Employment Permit System for the Shipbuilding Industry Intensive
(16)Promotion of shortening the period of re-entry of foreign workers in the construction industry after leaving the country
(17)To ease the labor shortage in the shipbuilding industry, a customized foreign manpower supply system will be established, such as the establishment of an E-9 visa quota for the shipbuilding industryThe government held a visit to the head of the Foreign Human Resources Policy Committee on April 24 and decided to shorten the re-entry period of foreign manpower in the construction industry by establishing a quota for foreign manpower E-9 visas
(18)Until now, shipbuilding sites have been assigned and utilized E-9 personnel within the entire manufacturing quota As a result, it was difficult to secure enough foreign manpower to be used immediately in the field In the future, if the quota for the shipbuilding industry is established, foreign manpower will be selected in consideration of job skills related to the shipbuilding industry from the stage of recruiting foreign manpower, and the selected manpower will be allocated and utilized quickly in the shipbuilding industry The new quota will be operated temporarily until the end of 2025 with 5,000 employees every year, taking into account the win-win efforts of the shipbuilding industry and related ministries
(19)The manufacturing quota in 22 is 5,1847 people, 690,000 people in total, of which 2,344 foreign workers in the shipbuilding industry are assigned
(20)Win-Win Agreement for the Improvement of the Double Structure of the Shipbuilding Labor Market”23227
(22)21 top 21 bottom 22 top 22 bottom
(23)the shortage rate industry
(24)※ Ministry of Employment and Labor Survey of Business Labor by Occupation
(25)Due to the special shipbuilding visa, not the existing foreign worker visa
(26)I can only work in the shipbuilding industry
(27)=> Change jobs only in shipbuilding sales that seem impossible to change jobs to other industries
(28)Neung Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering -> Hyundai Mipo
(29)Gaeda made a new pie, not an existing one
(30)5,000 Koreans have joined at least 10,000 to 20,000 new people over the past two to four years
(31)If it’s not enough, there’s a good chance of an additional extension
(32)In the end, the remaining Korean workers in the shipbuilding industry are foreign workers in Southeast Asia
(33)Yaha K was chosen for the final round of the wage race