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First shooting inside Fukushima reactor shocked


“I’m going to release it in places like this”…’First shooting inside Fukushima reactor shocked’

Japan’s Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Unit 1, destroyed by the 2011 East Japan Earthquake, is very vulnerable to additional earthquakes, according to a survey According to the Tokyo Shimbun on the 26th, Tokyo Electric Power Co., which operates nuclear power plants, filmed the inside of the reactor with an underwater camera on the 28th of last month, and the damage exceeded experts’ expectations The inner wall of the pedestal concrete about 1m high that supports the reactor melts and reveals the rebar


According to the Tokyo Shimbun on the 26th, Tokyo Electric Power Co., which operates nuclear power plants, filmed the inside of the reactor with an underwater camera on the 28th of last month, and the damage exceeded experts’ expectations

The inner wall of the pedestal concrete about 1m high supporting the reactor melted and exposed the rebar, and some of the rebar melted and disappeared There was a hole in the bottom of the reactor, and the bottom of the reactor was filled with nuclear fuel melting and a significant amount of fuel debris

This is the first time that the reactor has been filmed inside since the nuclear accident

Iida TEPCO said, “As a result of the investigation, no major damage was confirmed to the concrete or rebar on the outer wall,” but explained, “There is a possibility that there will be additional damage in the rest of the areas that could not be filmed.”

First shooting inside Fukushima reactor shocked
Hiroshi Miyano, chairman of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Review Committee, told NHK, “I didn’t expect severe damage over such a wide range,” adding, “Concrete is completely broken at 1,200 degrees Celsius, and the heat may have risen to that extent at the time of the nuclear accident.”

“The problem is that the reactor pedestal continues to be exposed to high-temperature nuclear fuel debris,” he said. “If even external concrete is damaged, it could affect earthquake resistance.”


It wasn’t until about 10 years later that the shooting itself started

Safety needs to be analyzed now

There’s no way that we secretly made a special camera and filmed it separately

I think it’s too early for us to decide on safety right now, even without information

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