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Full text of the leaked U.S. Congress speech


Full text of the leaked U.S. Congress speech

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(1)BREAKINGVIEWS Yoon Suk Yeol President’s speech in both houses of Congress
(2)suspicion of leakage
(3)2023-04-26 Reporter Hong Jung-yoon
(4)Daily Gyeonggi = Reporter Hong Jung-yoon’s speech to the U.S. House of Representatives of Yoon Suk Yeol, who is visiting the U.S., has been suspected of being leaked in advance to biased media
(5)President Yoon Suk Yeol is scheduled to visit the U.S. House of Representatives in Boston on the 27th local time to speak to the joint parliament, but President Yoon Suk Yeol’s speech is pre-published in the Korea News, signaling another impact following an interview with the Washington Post WP

Full text of the leaked U.S. Congress speech

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(1)Along with this, the Daehan Shinbo, which published the speech, is a strong right-wing media
(2)The controversy over the defense of the far-right media, which has been raised against the Yoon administration due to its strong tendency
(3)need to reignite
(4)The following is President Yoon’s speech published in the Korea Credit Guarantee Fund

Full text of the leaked U.S. Congress speech

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(1)Ladies and gentlemen, members of the United States
(2)I’m Yoon Seok Yeol, the president of Korea It was a great honor for the lawmakers who visited Korea earlier this month to invite us to speak together in both houses of Congress On the other hand, however, the burden and responsibility have been established in consideration of the relationship between Korea and the U.S. and the huge world change Above all, this is the reality of my country, Korea
(3)As you know, Korea started as a colony during the Pacific War and achieved independence and founding with the help of the United States and the United Nations, but soon after, it was invaded by communism The three-year war was a tragedy of poverty and slaughter, but on the other hand, it was a scene of great cooperation and friendship to protect freedom Koreans can never forget Gen Walton H Walker, the hero of the Nakdonggang River front who shouted, “I came to protect Korea until I die.”
(4)Koreans, who defended their country with the help of free allies, including the United States, soon began a great journey for rich and powerful soldiers to protect their freedom from communism It’s been 30 years with growth and order called Miracle of Han River It is undeniable that Korea’s development, symbolized by the 88 Olympics, surprised the world and finally became the starting point of the collapse of the Eastern bloc
(5)But after that, Korea was reduced to a completely different country Instead of growth and order under the guise of democratization, stagnation and chaos engulfed the country Above all, I forgot the great principle of autonomy, discipline, and responsibility of true freedom combined with completely different elements In just 10 years, the IMF and the pro-North Korean regime were born one after another, and now Korea has become a country of freedom, military and military civil war, and conflict
(6)The problem is that Korea’s crisis is never limited to Korea It faces North Korea, the world’s only Cold War country and the most terrifying terrorist group in history North Korea was an exceptional area where the Eastern Bloc collapsed and Asian communist countries refused to open up and reform They focused on nuclear development in absolute poverty and mass destruction, and today they are threatening the world with nuclear weapons and missiles

Full text of the leaked U.S. Congress speech

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(1)Currently, the Korean Peninsula has become the Balkan Peninsula of the 21st century for geopolitical reasons
(2)There is. Above all, Korea pays the price of forgetting the great principles and history of liberal democracy, and it is hard to deny the possibility of starting World War III Half a century ago, President Reagan, the great U.S. president, declared that peace by intimidation was surrender, not true peace South Korea’s former pro-North Korean regimes have openly supported North Korea, which chose to develop nuclear weapons amid absolute poverty and anti-human rights, and have deceived its people and the world
(3)Honourable members of the United States, citizens of the world
(4)The war in Ukraine has shown that a scary neighbor can always be a full-scale war It is also true that the Korean Peninsula borders China and Russia, and the reality that Korea is already in a civil war is even more hopeless However, as the president of Korea, I will devote myself to the third free revolution that inherits the great President Syngman Rhee who founded and protected Korea and President Park Chung-hee, who achieved prosperity and prosperity Because I don’t really respect the cowardly leaders who give in to the threat of communism, but the great leaders who risked death to defend and develop their country
(5)For Koreans, the United States is a grateful country of grace and only blood alliance. Above all, Koreans who worship freedom respect America’s great dedication to freedom and world order In the past, Korea fought against communism with the U.S. military in the Vietnam War and was impressed by the respect of the U.S. soldiers
(6)The last Moon Jae-in regime was a pro-North Korean regime that destroyed security cooperation between South Korea, the U.S. and Japan and took the lead in pro-North Korea and respect Shamefully, the leader elected in the liberal democracy was an anti-hero who devoted himself to the enemy, so it was a painful ordeal for the country to lose its bearings and be thrown into unprecedented chaos
(7)A society in which social norms represented by moral common law are criminalized and history and truth are distorted is a society without freedom and justice Having served in the Korean law enforcement agency for a long time, I will never stand by this self-indulgence and rebellion that ignores social norms and order Historically great leaders, on the one hand, were faithful to their duties, even if they were called dictators Lincoln is respected as the best president today because he chose the war against division, the Civil War, and he did not avoid the necessary evil for victory

Full text of the leaked U.S. Congress speech

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(1)Furthermore, the far-left regime has maintained a tradition since its founding, including Korea-U.S. and Japan relations
(2)I’ve also penalized the enemy’s friendship He even directed a skit in which he disparaged the great leaders who led the founding of the country and the strength of the rich nation and apologized for participating in the war in Vietnam I can never forget the dark past when collective madness that disregarded culture and history swept through Korea I’m Soyee, who needs a conviction for freedom
(3)On the other hand, however, Korea has a strong industrial organization, and they have traveled through the jungles of Vietnam and deserts of the Middle East, created the miracle of the Han River, and are leading the Fourth Industrial Revolution today The development and future creators of the great innovation space of the free world Earlier, he told the great President Syngman Rhee that innovation, which is a true development, lies in entrepreneurship, and President Park Chung-hee treated him as a revolutionary comrade As a result, Korea has applied for the 2030 Busan Expo Busan was the temporary capital of the Korean War and a great city that led to the miracle of the Han River The great leaders who made Korea today also showed infinite interest in education, human rights, intelligence, and culture After all, the 2030 Busan X-Phone is a rebirth of history for cooperation with the international community and a foundation for freedom beyond simple national interests and economic areas
(4)The changed new environment is now demanding new cooperation from both countries to meet new challenges But prior to this, it is premised on understanding the history of Korea-U.S. cooperation and the unique journey that has taken on the periphery of communism If the 20th century lesson is that the problem of individual countries is an international problem, then the invisible threat is a bigger threat, it’s becoming a lesson of the 21st century We must now understand that national power is the highest priority, and that international cooperation and welfare status is still the highest value and final goal
(5)Historical philosopher Hegel GWF Hegel once wrote that history shows that humans do not learn from history Korea and the U.S. should never ignore the alarm of philosophers It is also the theorem of history that history is a challenge and a fight, and a great fight for a great challenge So crisis creates opportunities, not just risks If we have a positive vision, success and glory will never be with us in any ordeal
(6)In this historic event as the president of Korea, we will announce the third revolution for Korea’s freedom, the history of Korea-U.S. relations, and the great cooperation between Korea and the U.S. to overcome the global crisis as a new doctrineAbove all, I hope that the go together between Korea and the U.S. will be restored and that international cooperation will be established as a true value that guarantees the future and the world order to the international community In God We Trust. Thank you

Full text of the leaked U.S. Congress speech

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(1)Eugene Choi ◆
(2)If the leaked Yoon Suk Yeol parliamentary speech is true, the content is problematic, but the level is no joke. Syngman Rhee and Park Chung-hee have nothing to do with hosting the Busan Expo and trying to attract Park Chung-hee to fight the Vietnamese people
(3)April 26, 2023, 603 PM · 1025 views
(4)23 retweet 35. I like it
(5)Eugene Choi wpdlatm1037 minutes
(6)A reply to wpdlatm10
(7)President Bill Clinton, who established diplomatic relations with Vietnam, said, “The Democratic Party’s identity is peace, and the current generation that controls the U.S. Congress is mostly anti-war Vietnamese, so what’s the point of Democrats
(8)Eugene Choi wpdlatm1035 minutes
(9)Yoon Suk Yeol is a problem, but we’ll see how Vietnam and other Southeast Asian countries will view Korea if this speech is true, and what position the U.S. will take when it comes to the U.S
(10)Eugene Choi wpdlatm 10·30 minutes
(11)If this speech is true, it’s not easy to correct the leak, and I’ve never seen a great speech in which the leader in charge of the country is a belligerent mess in the U.S. Congress, and has no regard for the identity of the Democratic Party and Vietnam

I hope it’s false news

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