image text translation
(1)a subscription to a women’s newspaper
(2)Preparing for the new semester. My daughter is still pink
(3)blue that I heard
(4)Input 20230302 PM 101
(5)a family of one street
(6)The stereotype of gender roles in children’s products remains
(7)Market Changes Slow Despite Consumers’ Demand for Improvement
(8)Deletion and improvement of gender markings and gender discrimination phrases
(9)Companies don’t keep their promises
(1)Ladies and gentlemen, if your daughter isn’t in pink, you’re refusing to enter
image text translation
(2)Why did you buy me a bag with a different color as my enemy
(3)You’ve never raised a son of a fool, so you’re gonna have to talk to him
When my sister went to school, she said she was addicted to pink