Japanese Railway Maniacs Travelling to North Korea

Japanese Railway Maniacs Travelling to North Korea

Japanese Railway Maniacs Travelling to North Korea
image text translation

(1)34 railroad enthusiasts visit North Korea
(2)a friendly talk
(3)Add Neighbors
(4)11 hours ago
(6)This post was written by a Japanese who traveled to North Korea, not a blog owner
(7)This article is not intended to encourage and encourage North Korean travel and contact with North Korea
(8)Korean nationals will be punished if they enter North Korea without permission from the government
(9)Also, blog owners never defend North Korea’s system and ideas
(10)Of course, everyone knows that I posted it just for fun even if I don’t have to tell you, but it’s a little scary for office workers in black cars to come to me after posting wrong posts related to North Korea
(11)As I planned my college graduation trip, I took 33 railroad enthusiasts to North Korea that I met on TwitterRecords of cultural exchanges between Japanese railway enthusiasts excited by North Korean tanks and North Korean guides troubled by Japanese railway enthusiasts
(12)I’m going to North Korea. There’s a railroad there
(13)What image do you have of North Korea reading this
(14)Will I be losing
(15)Most raise the issue of missile nuclear tests and kidnapping
(16)I think I’m going to take a trip
(17)I think there will be few people
(18)But for some railroad enthusiasts, it’s as attractive as North Korea
(19)There’s no place. Still in the midst of global attention
(20)Curious about North Korea, where the railroad runs
(21)There was no way not to be playedgo
(22)The question of why a climber climbs Mt. Everest
(23)”Because there’s Mt. Everest”
(24)There’s a story about why I’m going to North Korea
(25)If you ask, it’s there. The answer is, the railroad
(26)In 2015, when my college life ended, I was in that kind of water
(27)I went to North Korea with the railroad mania I met from the site
(28)I’ve decided

Japanese Railway Maniacs Travelling to North Korea

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(1)a cheap way to get to North Korea
(2)Talking about going to North Korea often raises the question of whether many people can travel to North Korea in the first place In conclusion, it’s possible
(3)Individuals cannot travel freely, but it is possible if they apply for a visa through a travel agency. However, there are many conditions, and there is a clause that requires a guide and a private vehicle. Traveling to North Korea is high. A two-day tour of Pyongyang from China costs 170,000 yen
(4)But as a college student, I couldn’t afford to pay for itI consulted a travel agency to see if it could be cheaper somehow, and they advised me that if the number of people increased further, the price per person would be lowered
(5)Anyway, I thought I had no choice but to gather people
(6)A group of railroad enthusiasts visiting North Korea has been formed
(7)a scholar and a city
(8)When I talked to my friends at university and around me, there were many railroad enthusiasts and people who liked to travel, so the number of people gathered, but I wanted to lower the price, so I posted a notice on Twitter, saying, “Wouldn’t I get on the North Korean railway?” But at the time, I thought there would be two or three people
(9)However, the tweets spread beyond expectations, and at the same time, the number of applicants gradually increased, and when there were many, the number increased by one every day
(10)Finally, 32 people gathered and told the travel agency that there was one person who wanted to travel at the same time, so I asked if I could accompany him I couldn’t get rid of the question of whether I could let my precious customer travel with railroad enthusiasts, but I readily agreed because there would be no difference because there is one more person now
(11)Anyway, a total of 34 people gathered, including 33 and myself, and it seemed to be a size that could be called the North Korean delegation The cost of the trip is 95,000 yen from the initial estimate of 170,000 yen
(12)If it’s 45 off, it’s a beam of 33 people
(13)There will be ram
(14)And to be exact, all 34 are railroad enthusiasts
(15)Because of Eun-ah, lies were weak in the title of this article
(16)It’s mixed with liver, but I won’t take the North Korean railway
(17)I took part in a trip that I recruited by announcing that I should leave
(18)I’ll assume that there will be some interest in it, even if it’s
(19)In March 2016, we decided to go on a trip to North Korea
(20)I was questioned by the airport staff
(21)On the morning of the trip, I went to the airport and participated on Twitter
(22)The person who wanted to join us has joined us After the first greeting, with the airlines
(23)He headed to the office counter, and until he got there, he was a very normal guy
(24)The group to “FRIEND”
(25)But three employees came up from across the street a definite silence
(26)It was as if we were going to investigate
(27)Where are you going? The staff asked
(28)I answered China I’m not lying
(29)Then the staff repeatedly asked questions a complete grasp of
(30)It looked like one
(31)I answered “Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.”
(32)Then, as soon as the staff member says, “Jo.”
(33)I received a separate proposal
(34)Overseas safety information provided by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs shows each country
(35)It classifies the inverse by the degree of hazard to the world that is losing there
(36)North Korea is the only woman in the world who is neither dangerous nor dangerous
(37)The special meaning of restraint is classified as a category rent
(38)Government officials are also subject to corruption. December 6, North Korea
(39)Han’s travel restraint vs. 2 set on the ground is zero
(40)It was only a month ago Let’s go to the party to plan
(41)I just want to say that I was discharged
(42)In the end, we only check the luggage, but the departure screening and boarding are normal
(43)It’s made up of. You ask the staff if it’s going to be a stopgap
(44)Bonnie said, “There’s freedom of action.”Uh.
(45)I just ask for self-restraint, but I don’t forbid it
(46)the end of a story
(47)Lastly, how did you know we were heading north
(48)I asked him, and he said, “This is what he saidThe answer is
(49)You posted it online
(50)The customs found the tweet or not, but they knew people well on Twitter when they went goldWho’s in the crown
(51)I don’t know, but it’s better not to do it to North Korea

Japanese Railway Maniacs Travelling to North Korea

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(1)I got a rare ticket from North Korea
(2)I flew from Japan to China by plane and headed to Dandong on the North Korean border by night train
(3)The next morning, all 34 participants gathered in Dandong, and the scene was like a gathering of the morning on a school tripThe president of the travel agency came to greet me personally and handed me a train ticket to Pyongyang
(4)Wonju StudiesURR
(5)There are 34 people, so on the train ticket cover, there’s a group
(6)It was tamped a truly rare railroad ticket to North Korea
(7)It would be a very rare ticket
(8)Originally, it was said that foreign tourists would be assigned a bunk bed with a high grade or one room for four people, but because of the large number of people, it seemed to have been assigned the cheapest three-story bed Since there are 34 people, I thought they were benefiting from this
(9)The customs officer missed his stop on the train
(10)The train leaves Dandong Station and crosses the river that flows through the border
(11)We arrived at Sinuiju, the first station in North Korea When the door opens, let’s go
(12)I got on the government employee train and started checking my baggagea field
(13)The examination was rather strict, and the contents of the bag were fully opened
(14)They even check pictures on their smartphones or camera PCs
(15)have received
(16)Once all passengers have been checked out, they slowly head for Pyongyang
(17)The street of Sinuiju that you can see through the car window is right next to it
(18)Compared to Uidandong, another world has gradually come to North Korea
(19)I’m starting to realize that
(20)But there was a three-person employee who called nervouslyCoffin
(21)Ask other members later. Since we’re smartphones
(22)It’s time for me to check because I’ve been on a lot of cameras
(23)It takes a lot of time, but one of them hasn’t gotten off yet
(24)They say the train left. How did it go back
(25)I couldn’t bear it because I was worried that
(26)The train broke down on the ground in North Korea
(27)Soon the train stopped at the stationThe track is simple
(28)At first, I stopped to get over the oncoming traffic man
(29)I knew it, but I was lateOn the other side of the road, there was a truck
(30)The excesses did not move at all in a hurry to find out of my wits
(31)Let’s look at the forbidden heart, Han Gwan-cha
(32)The army has passed
(33)Looking into the office with the staff and ingenuity of the locomotive
(34)There were two employees on board. What’s going on
(35)Considering the circumstances, there was only one possibility that came to mind
(36)This train’s locomotive broke down and disappeared somewhere
(37)Will I be able to arrive in Pyongyang properly
(38)I was out of my mind But the members are my fire
(39)I didn’t do it, and it started to be broad daylight After being twitched, we chatted at the beer hall, fresh beer hall
(40)I have 34 acquaintances
(41)You’re close
(42)It’s been more than 2 hours since I stopped driving
(43)The sound got closer and I was barely asleep When the locomotive was connected, the mozzarella came back to normal
(44)a high fever
(45)I made a start
(46)It is a guide to write down for the sake of honor that North Korea’s iron will break down and make efforts to inspect the fishing industry To North Korea
(47)I’ve never heard of it
(48)It’s almost the only train I’ve ever had
(49)Lee Da-jung

Japanese Railway Maniacs Travelling to North Korea

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(1)North Korean joke made me laugh
(2)After arriving at Pyongyang Station, I joined the tour guide at the platform As mentioned at first, guides and exclusive vehicles are essential for traveling to North Korea. Usually, two guides are in charge, but this time, it increased to three because there were 34 drivers and cameramen, and the total number of travel agency employees was five The private car is originally called a small bus, but this time a large bus came
(3)When the guide started to greet the bus, he opened his mouth and said this at the first word
(4)It’s been 10 years since 34 people came from Japan I wondered if diplomatic relations had been restored without even realizing it
(5)Passengers in the car were caught in a whirlwind of laughter by the sudden North Korean joke In fact, except for school trips at Joseon schools, it has been a long time since such large-scale group travelers came from Japan
(6)For your information, the number of Japanese tourists visiting North Korea is quite small and varies from year to year, but about 300 Japanese tourists per year are Korean railroad enthusiasts
(7)The Japanese railroad mania embarrassed the guide
(8)After arriving at the hotel and checking in, the guide took me to Pyongyang Station at night
(9)Glorious civilization
(10)There were occasional streetcars in front of the station at this sight
(11)The railroad maniacs were thrilled and turned off the big lenses and tripods
(12)There was a member who took a picture
(13)Guy, we’ve never seen a ride before
(14)De was as surprised as we were Why are you so excited to see a tram! It seemed that he could not hide his confusion, but such a question is natural First of all, we’ve gathered through the Internet
(15)Ah, since we’re all together…I’ll explain to you that … how do you understand it
(16)I became close to a North Korean soldier
(17)I got on the bus the next morning, and there was a board with a border with Korea
(18)The door-shop is in full swing At the Sukilso near the original border
(19)Both South and North Korea are not allowed to push a person who is a multi-person
(20)Panmunjom is the only place where both Koreas are for tourism purposes
(21)to be able to visit
(22)After visiting the historic site of Panmunjom, the building facing Korea
(23)I went up to the observatory and looked at the southern scenery on the news
(24)It’s the place where people who’ve ever stood can’t help themselves
(25)A soldier with an a priori face played the role of a guide
(26)North Korean news broadcasting in a strong tone, like righteousness
(27)It even feels like you’re acting like a thief
(28)At the end of the explanation, one of the members pushed in a cigarette packBurr
(29)Actually, I gave a tip to a Panmunjom soldier at a pre-travel agency
(30)I heard that if you like your stomach, it’s your grandmother
(31)North Korean men’s favorite gift is dirt
(32)But not just one member, but a few people with cigarettes
(33)Since I’m here, the soldiers’ cigarette gradually piles up
(34)There you are. When your lucky bag is filled with cigarettes, you can lift it up
(35)I didn’t even go, so I’m flatteredThe first ugly face was, uh
(36)He looked perplexed, and he said, “When I met him
(37)turned into a smile full of
(38)Finally, I took a commemorative photo with the soldier in charge of the guide
(39)It was like a math group photo
(40)He’s making a face that he doesn’t know anything about it, but
(41)The cigarette is so full that I can’t count it

Japanese Railway Maniacs Travelling to North Korea

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(1)I got a special service at the restaurant
(2)If it’s the pleasure of traveling abroad, it’s food, isn’t it? In fact, all the food expenses for traveling to North Korea are included in the travel expenses Each time you are guided to a fairly formal restaurant, and you can’t even finish the food and unlimited beer are served. The taste is also very delicious because it suits the taste of Japanese people
(3)Among them, the lunch I had in Kaesong, a city near Panmunjom, was especially luxurious. It is a royal dish called Bansanggi, and it is a specialty of Kaesong
(4)When I entered the restaurant and was shown into the room, the table was covered with golden bowls and one side of the room was decorated with colorful pastel tones It felt as if a wedding was going to be held from now on
(5)The main dish of Bansanggi was white rice and soup, but there were many side dishes Each side dish was made with high-quality ingredients and carefully cooked and tasted very luxurious
(6)For your information, during lunch the next day, many Japanese came, so it was a special service, and shortcake was served as dessert As expected, it was beneficial to go to North Korea with 34 people
(7)I got on the latest train in the Pyongyang subway
(8)In the afternoon, I came back to Pyongyang from Panmunjom and took the subway Since there is a dedicated vehicle, you don’t need to take the subway, but the subway itself is a famous feature of Pyongyang, so it is organized as a standard tourist course
(9)The escalator going down to the subway platform is distracting
(10)It’s long enough. It’s going to be about 60 to 70 meters long
(11)It was about 100 to 110 meters. It was too long. Escalations
(12)Some people sat on the stairs
(13)When I got off the escalator, I faced the brilliant platform
(14)This is a great history. The core of Pyeongyi tourism on underground railways
(15)be a metaphor for
(16)This wasn’t the only purpose of this trip for a few months
(17)It’s been 43 years since I opened the Pyongyang subway
(18)I’ve always wanted to ride this, but there are a lot of trams
(19)I only drove one car
(20)I waited about 15 minutes and finally faced the new car Week
(21)It’s been months since I started
(22)Many people looked at me in amazement
(23)I got on the train and it was rush hour, so the inside
(24)It was very confusing. The TV screen at the edge of the door
(25)I hope you’ll hear the animation soon
(26)I was watching
(27)For your information, the scene in the car was filmed by a cameraman
(28)Anyway, the formula used as an official tour PV of North Korea in the later days is a one-piece
(29)The crazy maniacs. The life of the summer
(30)Replace the person in charge of writing with PV

Japanese Railway Maniacs Travelling to North Korea

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(1)sing passionately in a karaoke room in North Korea
(2)We had our last night in North Korea I am a railroad enthusiast, but I am also a North Korean music enthusiast. I heard that karaoke is available in North Korea, so I really wanted to go thereWhen I talked to the members, 7 people, most of whom were college students, gathered
(3)There was a karaoke bar at the hotel where I stayed, but there was already a Chinese family traveler first. The guide said I could take turns singing, but I didn’t feel like it because I couldn’t ruin the family’s pleasant and cozy moment by singing enthusiastically
(4)So we decided to go to a karaoke room at a nearby hotel. When we arrived at the hotel by taxi, a female clerk showed us aroundUnlike the karaoke box in Japan, it was like a spacious restaurant and group room
(5)When I was looking through the karaoke catalog and looking for songs, the guide didn’t have many Japanese songs…I said apologetically, saying … But we’re here to sing a North Korean song, so it’s okay,” he said, and entered the song number
(6)Originally, there’s a YouTube video of the North Korean military attack
(7)I deleted it because I could get punished if I shared it as it is
(8)There seems to be no problem listening to it personally, so please look for it yourself
(9)I sang “Attack War” It’s a famous song on the Japanese Internet. It may be cliche, but this heated up the room
(10)Other than that, I entered North Korean songs one after another North Korean music hawk
(11)As Nia, I want to sing as much as I want in Pyongyang
(12)There’s no happy thing. Just like college students’ singing rooms, with 8 members
(13)The atmosphere was hot
(14)Meanwhile, the guide is a Japanese who sings North Korean songs like this much
(15)It’s my first time. It was a bewildered shape…You said
(16)Not a few Japanese go to karaoke in Korea
(17)But it felt like I was singing only Japanese songs, and the North Korean old woman
(18)It is said that few people sang Rae
(19)There was also a person who was stunned He knew us earlier
(20)It was a female clerk who gave me In fact, this clerk went to a karaoke room
(21)The role of singing and duetting together
(22)Even though we were in the room from the beginning
(23)We didn’t care. We were excited
(24)I don’t know if the clerk was too bored, but we
(25)I decided to show a song to somebody a song Among Chinese songs
(26)It’s a song that I sing a lot when I’m with Korean tourists
(27)Everyone was very good at singing North Korean karaoke shop
(28)The circle is that people who receive singing education at music schools, etc
(29)It is said that there are a lot
(30)It’s late at night and the karaoke room is almost over
(31)We decided to end the curtain by singing the North Korean national anthem
(32)There’s a video of North Korea’s national anthem
(33)I’ll save it because I’m scared of tactics
(34)I wondered what kind of event it was after I finished singing
(35)Everyone murmured… …and the clerk looked puzzled
(36)But to the eight false names, the most exciting thing in my life
(37)There is no defense against anger

Japanese Railway Maniacs Travelling to North Korea

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(1)China was a free world
(2)The next morning, it was time to leave North Korea, and I got on the train to Dandong, saying goodbye to the guide, and the guide saw us off until just before the train left
(3)After leaving Pyongyang, I slept all the time. The scenery outside the car window was the same as when I came here, and I was tired for three days
(4)When the train arrived in Sinuiju, customs officials inspected the cargo or photos as they did when they entered the country, but the stop time was quite long, and they waited for quite a long time after the departure screening
(5)The train started moving again When I saw the scenery of Dandong across the river flowing through the border between China and North Korea, applause poured out from somewhere. Smartphones were connected to the Internet, and notifications piled up over the past four days immediately poured in It might be most appropriate to say that I’m back in the world
(6)China may be a country far from freedom in many ways, but it was the first time I felt that I had returned to a free world after entering China
(7)The train soon arrived at Dandong Station When I left the station, a travel agent and friends who were traveling in China came to greet me. I was able to finish my trip to North Korea safely with 34 members, including people who are not railroad enthusiasts or enthusiasts in various fields
(8)After returning to Japan, he was not questioned at the airport However, my luggage seemed to have been inspected very carefully by customs
(9)34 railroad enthusiasts rush into North Korea
(10)North Korea still asks Foreign Ministry to refrain from traveling
(11)I’m also actively recommending a trip to North Korea
(12)There’s no way to
(13)North Korea’s Iron, which rarely shows up, however
(14)I was able to show pictures to the worldB
(15)I think the original purpose of the trip has been fulfilled
(16)He took 33 people he met on Twitter to North Korea
(17)The journey to leave was more fun than expected and a very unusual experience in life as many as 34 people
(19)It was the most enjoyable trip At first, I’m a stranger
(20)They were members, but through this trip, they were like old friends
(21)I think it could have gone down
(22)And more than anything, in Japan, it’s not a foreign country
(23)I want to go to North Korea like this world and feel the atmosphere
(24)The experience was valuableI can’t use the internet or smartphone
(25)It was a place to use it, but everything I encountered within 24 hours is ash
(26)It was so beautiful that I couldn’t even get bored
(27)However, the Japanese railroad mania to the North Outbound Guide is also
(28)It was also the latter of the appearance of being in the world
(29)According to the travel agent, I heard that Jumbyeongyang Travel Ri is
(30)It seemed to have become an internal issue
(31)When we look at the abyss, the year we look at ourselves
(32)I wonder if this is what the horse says

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