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Jongwon Baek’s Alley Restaurant Original Spicy Taste


Jongwon Baek's Alley Restaurant Original Spicy Taste

image text translation

(1)You’re the only one who’s doing the ice here
(2)Yes, I’m alone
(3)How long have you been working? A month and a half
(4)- What’s your tip
(5)- I can’t get tips
(6)What’s your tip
(7)I can’t get tips
(8)I’m in a hurry
(9)not sure enough
(10)I feel sorry for being so confident
(11)a confident nod
(12)Even though it’s the only source of service here, Global>
(13)But I can’t get any tips
(14)Where do all the tips go, Global
(15)In the U.S.
(16)- That’s not right
(17)I know. I did somethingLa
(18)Are you calculating the customer’s tip gauge globally
(19)Yes, I’m going to go to everything
(20)It’s going back little by little to the clerks, albal
(21)Why are you giving it to me? So close
(22)- They’re paid to workas if it were a matter of course
(23)No, but the customers gave it to me
(24)They’re paid to workOf course, bal
(25)No, it’s from the customers
(26)But they don’t give it to me
(27)You’re the boss
(28)I’m a clerk who works
(29)I’m not a clerk
(30)And yet he’s taking tips, Global
(31)Let me ask the customers
(32)Customer, the tip you gave me
(33)This person put his pocket in
(34)The tip you gave to the saleswoman, Global
(35)You put it in like a lot
(36)The tip you gave to the saleswoman, Global
(37)Confidently put it in your pocket
(38)That’s too much
(39)No, no
(40)No, no. No, no
(41)Don’t make excuses for the damn captain
(42)I’m the boss
(43)What’s wrong with taking tips
(44)Customers who were so shocked that they lost their sense of taste
(45)You’re making a shitty excuse
(46)I’m tired of this, you damn Italian
(47)Boss, don’t talk like I’m a bad guy
(48)Damn it, boss
(49)- I’m a gangster, but you’re not
(50)I’m proud of you
(51)I’ll do it for you, but I’ll say something
(52)Tell me what you want!han
(53)To where
(54)I’m taking all the tips!
(55)· You should’ve told me earlier
(56)You should’ve told me earlier
(57)Because the clerks are changing it!
(58)Why don’t you do it with me
(59)It’s Global. Let’s screw with me
(60)Yeah, let’s do it. Damn it
(61)I’m going to teach you a lesson
(62)You’re so good at talking
(63)I’m gonna kill you, damn Global


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